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Another active record handler for the Yii framework that supports MongoDB.


There is already a great extension called YiiMongoDBSuite out for Yii so why make another? YiiMongoDBSuite has certain flaws which I wish to address:

  • Does not support $or natively
  • Very large and complicated code base
  • Does not support the later versions of the PHP driver (1.3.x series) that well
  • Obscured the MongoDB query language, layering a query language over the top

After some spare time I decided that I would take the liberty to make a MongoDB extension for Yii. It is really basically a "glue" between MongoDB and Yii and it is designed to be quite free form in that respect.

There are a few points of design I wished to enforce:

  • expose the MongoDB query language in its raw form
  • make the programming of this extension simple and easy to maintain for all parties
  • make sure this extension worked with both the new and old versions of the MongoDB driver
  • attempt to make things a little more performant
  • try to follow Yiis own CActiveRecord API as much as possible without compromising MongoDB "semantics" such as the name for query operators and the use of a MongoCursor

Ok so we have got some of the rationale in place it is time to actually talk about the extension.

Setting up the extension

In order to use the extension you first need to set it up. The first thing to do is to download the source code and place it somewhere accessible within your applications structure, I have chosen protected/extensions/MongoYii.

Once you have the source code in place you need to edit your main.php configuration file (console.php will need modifying too if you intend to use this extension in the console) with the following type of configuration:

'mongodb' => array(
	'class' => 'EMongoClient',
	'server' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
	'db' => 'super_test'

And add the MongoYii directories to your import section:


That is the basic setup of the extension.

You will notice that I use a EMongoClient. This is a bit deceptive since it actually represents MongoClient and MongoDB combined. This means that whenever you call the magic __call on the EMongoClient like so:


It will either try and call a function of getSomething in EMongoClient or, if the function does not exist, try and call it within the MongoDB class.

If you wish to call a function on the MongoClient or Mongo class you will need to retrieve the connection object like so:


EMongoClient is also designed to handle full write concern and read preferences in a compatible manner with all versions of the driver.

Note: The models will by default seek a mongodb component within your configuration so please make sure that unless you modify the extension, or use it without active record, to make your default (master) connection be a component called mongodb.

Write Concern (formally "safe" writes)

This extension uses the new w variable globally to handle the level of write concern you wish to impose on MongoDB.

By default the extension will assume acknowledged writes, this means safe=true or w=1 depending on the version of your driver. To change this simply add w to your mongodb components configuration and give it a value according to the PHP documentation.

For those using the 1.3.x series of the driver there is also a j option which can be set to either true or false within the configuration which allows you to control whether or not the write is journal acknowledged.

Note: Write Concern is abstracted from the driver itself to make this variable compatible across all versions of the driver so please use the configuration or the EMongoClient w and j class variables to set the write concern when you need to, otherwise that write concern will not be used within active record.

Note: Write Concern works differently when you touch the database directly and the write concern issued within the EMongoCLient class will have no effect. Instead you should always ensure in this case you specify the write concern manually according to your driver version.

This may change in the future but at the moment when you want the active record to go away it just will.

Read Preference

For those using the old driver there is only one extra configuration variable available to you, setSlaveOkay. Set this to either true or false in your configuration to make it possible to read from members of a replica set.

For those using the 1.3.x series of the driver you have the RP configuration variable. The RP configuration variable is a 1-1 relation to the options of setReadPreference on the MongoClient class with one exception. The first parameter is not a constant but instead the name of the constant. An example of using read preferences in your configuration would be:

'RP' => array('RP_SECONDARY' /* The name of the constant from the documentation */,
	array(/* Would normally be read tags, if any */))

Please refer to the drivers documentation for a full set of options here.

To change the Read Preference at any time please use the function applicable to your driver; for 1.3.x series:

Yii::app()->mongodb->setReadPreference(MongoClient::RP_PRIMARY, array());

and for pre-1.3:


Note: Unlike write concern, the RP and setSlaveOkay variables do not inter-lock between different versions of the driver, using the EMongoClient RP variable will not translate to slaveOkay.

Using MongoDB without Active Record

You can call the database directly at any time using the same implemented methods as you would using the driver normally. As an example, to query the database:

Yii::app()->mongodb->collection->find(array('name' => 'sammaye'));

So the active record element of MongoYii can quickly disappear if needed.


The EMongoModel is a stripped down version of the EMongoDocument.

This was made separate from EMongoDocument to provide a small and slim active model for use on subdocuments. Whenever you make a class based subdocument you can extend this class.

The EMongoModel implements all that CModel does but with a few added and changed features.

Magic functions

This has been changed

Changed as of this issue: Sammaye#7 whereby @f10i gives over a pull request that can actually fix the schemaless issue completely.

The __get and __set have been completely re-written around his ideas and should now have all the same power as Yiis own CActiveRecord class.

The below is still shown as a note to people who use old checkouts:

In order to support the schema-less nature of MongoDB without using hacks like behaviours I have changed the way that the magic functions in Yii work slightly. The __set and __get will no longer seek out behaviour properties or call variable function events.

Behaviours tend to manipulate a owner within its own self contained context while allowing the calling of events from the magic functions is role blurring. Events should be called as functions if you want to use them. In my opinion the __set and __get functions have been made clearer by this.

Virtual Attributes

This extension supports virtual attributes via a doc block notation syntax of @virtual, for example:

class User extends EMongoModel{
    /** @virtual */
    public $somevar;

These variables can be used in the same way as everything else except they will never be saved in MongoDB.

Note: due to how PHP OO accession works it is a good idea to make all your record fields, virtual or not, public.


Unlike in SQL where you have many complicated types of relations, in MongoDB you tend to only have two:- one and many.

As you have guessed, you can only define two types of relation in this extension - one and many. Lets take a look at an example:

function relations(){
	return array(
		'others' => array('many', 'Other', 'otherId')

You will recognise a lot of this from Yiis own active record, in fact a lot is the same. We define a name for the relation as a key and then we define either one or many in text (constants seemed useless with only two types) and then we define a class name, Other in this case, and then we define the foreign key in that class, otherId.

The default behaviour of relations is to attempt to use the primary key, _id, of the current model to query the foreign key. This is a problem for EMongoModel since it has no primary key. Make sure that if you use this in EMongoModel you define a on clause to replace the primary key of the current model.

The on clause supports multiple field types. It can take a DBRef or an ObjectId or an array of ObjectIds depending on how you define your document.

You can also, just like in Yii, define a where clause. This is a 1-1 relation to the syntax used within normal querying in MongoDB and the extension will basically merge this clause with the primary key field you define in order to query for the relation.

All relations are returned as EMongoCursors which is basically the Yii active record implementation of MongoCursor. There is no eager loading, if you wish to use eager loading please look into using iterator_to_array() on the return value from calling the relation.


Just gets the docuemnt "as-it-is". This means that if you put meta objects in like nested EMongoModels it will get these back in the output.


Will strip away all classes used by the extension and return a document suitable for use with MongoDB.


Will run getRawDocument() and then return its output as a JSON string.


Will run getRawDocument() and then return its output as a BSON string.


The EMongoDocument extends EMongoModel and implements all of its features along with the needed features for database accession. It also implements as much as possible of CActiveRecord.

Note: The functions that allow database usage are not defined within this section of the documentation. Instead those functions are actually defined within the "Querying" section of this documentation. Please move to the "Querying" section if you wish to read about this part of the EMongoDocument.


Returns a string representing the collection name. All active record models should implement this function although it is not abstract.


Currently only returns _id as the key. This function is private and cannot be overridden.


Scopes are fully supported in all the normal ways as with CActiveRecord but with one difference; the terminology.

The scopes, and queries, in this extension use these words to describe their parts:

  • condition to describe the condition itself
  • sort to describe the sort
  • skip to describe offset
  • limit to describe limit

As an example of a full default scope which omits deleted models to get the latest 10 skipping the first one:

	'condition' => array('deleted' => array('$ne' => 1)),
	'sort' => array('date' => -1),
	'skip' => 1,
	'limit' => 11

You can also define your own scopes, however, it is a little different to how you are used to doing it in Yii:

function someScope(){
		'condition'=>array('scoped' => true),

As you will notice the _certeria variable within the EMongoDocument which would normally be a EMongoCriteria object is actually completely array based.

This applies to all scope actions; they are all array based.

To help you in not having the EMongoCriteria object the EMongoDocument provides a helper function for merging criteria objects called mergeCriteria. Using this function will have no impact on the model itself and merely merges criteria to be returned. As an example of using the mergeCriteria function:

function someScope(){

	$criteria = array(
		'condition'=>array('scoped' => true),

		$criteria = $this->mergeCriteria($criteria,array('condition'=>array('deleted'=>1)));

	reutrn $this;

Note: Just like in Yii, normally scopes are not reset automatically, please use resetScope() to reset the scope.


Checks if the current model equals another sent in as a parameter.


Checks if a document exists in the database with the criteria supplied as the first parameter.


Cleans the document of all properties and relations.


Runs clean() and then re-populates the model from the database.


Returns the raw MongoCollection.

It is normally best not to use this and instead to use the extension wrapped editions - updateAll and deleteAll. The only difference of said functions from doing it manually on getCollection() is that the functions understand the write concern of the extension.


So now that we have discussed the EMongoDocument lets look at the most base of example:

class User extends EMongoDocument{
	function collectionName(){
		return 'users';

	public static function model($className=__CLASS__){
		return parent::model($className);

This is the most basic document that can exist - no predefined schema and only a model function (same as Yii active record) and the tableName, otherwise known as the collectionName, are needed.

As time goes on you will want to add certain fields like virtual attributes and such to make your life easier:

class User extends EMongoDocument{

	/** @virtual */
	public $agree = 1;

	public $addresses = array();

	function collectionName(){
		return 'users';

	public static function model($className=__CLASS__){
		return parent::model($className);

Notice how I have added the addresses field despite not needing to? I do this due to the way that PHP uses magic functions.

If you access an array magically you cannot, in the same breath, manipulate it since it is an indirect accession of the variable. So a good tip here: if you plan on having subdocuments in your document it might be good to explicitly declare the field as a variable within the class.


Querying attempts to expose the native MongoDB querying language as much as possible. A EMongoCriteria class is provided, however, it is not required and does not provide any more functionality than just doing it via arrays. The EMongoCriteria class is not relied on anywhere and is not needed.


find() is really simple. It is essentially a 1-1 to the drivers own find() function and implements the same specifics. Just like the drivers edition, it also returns a cursor instance (EMongoCursor) which can be used to lazy load results from the database.

It will return a cursor irrespective of whether it finds results or not. However if it cannot find results then count will return 0 and the iterator will not have any iterations to it.

Note: The cursor does not eager load documents, instead if you wish to accomplish this please wrap the call to find in a iterator_to_array function.

findOne() and findBy_id()

findOne, just like findBy_id is a straight 1-1 implementation of the drivers own findOne method and returns an active record record model if something was found, otherwise null.

The findBy_id function takes either a hexadecimal representation of a ObjectId in string form or wrapped in the MongoId class and will seek out a record with that _id using the findOne function, returning the exact same. It is basically a helper for findOne to make your life a little easier.


The read functions of this extension have full support for scopes within models.


Ok so now we have a basic grasp of querying lets look at an example:

$c = User::model()->recently()->find(array('deleted' => 0))->sort(array('joined' => -1))->skip(2)->limit(3);

This may look complicated but I will now break it down for you:

  • User::model() gets our model
  • ->recently() is actually a scope, this is not needed but good for demonstration purposes
  • ->find(/*...*/) is basically the MongoDB drivers find method and returns a EMongoCursor which implements a MongoCursor
  • ->sort() is basically the MongoDB drivers sort method on the MongoCursor
  • ->limit() is, again, basically the MongoDB drivers own limit function on the MongoCursor

For a reference on what operators are supported please refer to the MongoDB documentation:

Note: Other functions like findByAttributes have been omitted since it seems pointless with MongoDBs querying language to implement those.


This saves the document and is used externally as a means to access either insert or update on the active record model, i.e.:

if($user->validate()) $user->save();

If the document is new it will insert otherwise it will update.


This is used internally by the active record model. If the record is new it will attempt to insert it instead of updating it otherwise it will throw an error.


This is used internally by the active record model. If the record is not new it will attempt to update it otherwise it will throw an error.

If you send in attributes into either this function or the save function it will attempt to do a $set on those attributes otherwise it will save the model.


This is used to delete the current active record.

deleteByPk() and updateByPk()

These are helpers to the update and delete functions except they act on the database directly, instead of through active record.

To show by example:

User::model()->deleteByPk($_id[, array('deleted' => 1)[, array('w' => 2)]]);
User::model()->updateByPk($_id, array('$set' => array('d' => 1)[, array('deleted' => 1)[, array('w' => 2)]]);

Arguments shown in [] are optional.

These functions can take both a string and a MongoId as the $_id parameter.

updateAll() and deleteAll()

Same as above really except these translate directly to the MongoDB drivers own update and delete functions.

Note: UpdateAll is multi true by default


The validation has pretty much not changed except for one validator which required some rewriting, the unique validator.

Basically the CUniqueValidator has been retro-fitted to work for MongoDB so the call to the validator is the same but you must take into account that the name of the validator is now EMongoUniqueValidator.


Subdocuments are, mostly, not automatically supported by this extension. There a couple of reasons, firstly due to performance - automating subdocument usage requires a lot of loaded classes to handle different subdocuments and their validation.

The other main reason is that, in any project I have done, whenever I tried to automate subdocuments through active record it has always resulted in me actually ditching it and doing the process manually. It has been proven many times that you rarely actually want automated subdocuments and normally you want greater control over their storage than this extension could provide.

So that is a brief understanding of the rationale behind the idea to ditch automatic subdocument handling within the active record.

This does not mean you cannot embed subdocument classes at all; when saving, the active record will iterate the document and attempt to strip any EMongoModel or EMongoDocument classes that have sprung up.

This all aside, there is a subdocument validator and technically it can even accept multi-level nesting. Please bare in mind, though, that it will cause repitition for every level you use it on. This WILL have a performance implication on your application.

An example of using an array based subdocument is:

function rules(){
	return array(
		array('addresses', 'subdocument', 'type' => 'many', 'rules' => array(
			array('road,town,county,post_code', 'safe'),
			array('telephone', 'integer')

While an example of a class based one is:

function rules(){
	return array(
		array('addresses', 'subdocument', 'type' => 'many', 'class' => 'Other'),

type defines the type of subdocument, as with relations this is either one or many.

The validator will evaluate the rules as though they are completely separate from the originating model so in theory there is nothing stopping you from using any validator you want.

The error output for the validator will differ between the one and many types of subdocument. With one the validator will output the model errors directly onto the field however with many it will create a new element for each model (row) with embedded errors in that new element in the field on the parent, for example:

	'addresses' => array(
		0 => array(
			'telephone' => array(
				0 => 'Some error here'

Note: While on the subject, to avoid the iteration every time you save the root document (since validation is run by default in Yii on save) you should confine your subdocument validators to specific scenarios where they will be actively used.

Using the ActiveDataProvider

This extension comes with a CActiveDataProvider helper called EMongoDataProvider. It works exactly the same way except for how it is called.

Instead of using a EMongoCriteria or something similar you use arrays like so:

new EMongoDataProvider(array(
	'criteria' => array(
		'condition' => array(),
		'sort' => array(),
		'skip' => 1,
		'limit' => 1
	/* All other options */

The criteria option basically relates to the parts of a cursor.

This extension does fully support CGridView (thanks to @acardinale for the fix) and it should also be able to take the CListView as well.

As a side note to the above, CGridView is best used when you predefine the schema you wish to display within the definition of the CGridView widget. So, to display an example for a user model:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

This is normally the best method because, of course, MongoDB is schemaless (has a flexible schema is more appropriate) so sometimes it doesn't work so well in a rigid table.

Known Flaws

  • Covered queries are not supported, but then as I am unsure if they really fit with active record
  • Subdocuments are not automated, however, I have stated why above
  • the aggregation framework does not fit well with active record as such it is not directly supported within the models

I am sure there are more but that is the immediate flaws you need to consider in this extension.


Probably some, however, I will endeavour to accept pull requests and fix reported bugs.


Please look to the tests folder for further examples of how to use this extension, it is quite comprehensive.

Running the Tests

The tests require the PHPUnit plugin with all dependencies compiled. Using PEAR you can initiate the following command:

sudo pear install --force --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit &&
pear install phpunit/dbUnit &&
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Story &&
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium

After that you can just tell PHPUnit to run all tests within the tests/ folder with no real order.


A Yii MongoDB ORM






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