Sudoku Now is a web application for the sudoku puzzle game. Users can play a unique sudoku puzzle at a 'easy', 'medium', 'hard', and 'insanity' levels. The rails API generates sudoku puzzles out of curated 'seed' puzzles, and solves each puzzle with a backtracking algorithm. It uses a React-Redux to display data from the Rails API, with a clean, responsive UI.
To set up a local instance of this web app, clone this repository. Please ensure you have PostGres working properly on your computer. In the root of the application, run the following commands to set up the PostGres database:
rails db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
After setting up the database, change directory to the 'client' folder, which contains the react application. Run
npm install
And you are ready to play sudoku!
Run the following command:
rails start
This will set up a local server hosting the web app, 'start' is aliased as a rake task to start both the react application as well as the Rails API. Navigate to Local Host try it out!
There is a production build you can play with, hosted on heroku: Sudoku Now
Developed by Alexandra Wright
Pull requests are welcome! Please follow the Contributor's Code of Conduct.