A simple iot system data manager for Advanced Programming Techniques @ unifi.
This code with be the official project for the exam involving:
- Java project
- Using Maven
- Using TDD - Unit tests / Integration tests / e2e tests
- Coveralls
- Continous integration with Github Actions
Continous Integration workflow:
Coveralls coverage percentage:
SonarCloud Code quality states:
- Java 8
- Maven
- Docker
From [REPO_DIR]/iotsystem/ directory:
This app needs a mongoDb database. If you don't have an installed db, you can launch it with docker:
docker run -p 27017:27017 --rm mongo:4.4.3
Then, in a separate terminal, we can build a fatjar with following command:
mvn package
Now you can launch the builded jar inside target directory called iotsystem-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar :
java -jar target/iotsystem-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Unit tests, Integration tests, E2E tests and Mutation testing with pit can be launched by following command:
mvn clean verify -Ppit