A simple python project to take snapshots from a cam.
In order to use this software:
- Enable PiCam from raspi-config:
$ sudo raspi-config
- Install python3, pip3 and following libraries:
$ pip3 install multitimer picamera
Change settings in settings.json file and execute SystemStarterPM main script to start system:
$ python3 SystemStarterPM.py
If you use ssh and want to leave it running even without it, install screen software with $ sudo apt-get install screen
Then you can use $ screen
to start a new session and then ctrl+a, d to exit the screen.
Remeber that when you are in a screen and hit ctrl+c you will do it inside screen and not killing the screen software.
When you want to resume a screen (e.g. when logging to ssh) just do $ screen -r