This is a port of this project to Java:
Please refer to the original repo for general information.
This port currently only support the signing of self-descirptions.
- JDK >= 11
- Maven
- Build the Java application
$ mvn clean package
- Create a self-description
$ cp self-description.sample.json self-description.json
- Create a config file
$ cp config.sample.yaml config.yaml
- Adjust self-description and config to your needs.
- Execute the signing process.
$ java -jar target\self-description-signer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
If successful, you will find your timestamped DID, self-signed self-description and a complete self-description signed from the compliance service in the output directory.
- Add support for other Gaia-X artefacts
- Increase Usability
- Provide Docker Image
- ...