This repository has been archived by the owner on May 7, 2021. It is now read-only.
3.0.0 (2018-07-26)
Bug Fixes
- broadcaster: clean up tests for the new Angular way of doing a singleton (79d90da)
- build: remove unused webpack configs (da53bb0)
- build: update webpack build configs to use Webpack 4 (ba0cbc6)
- package: autoprefixer to 9.0.1 (1596d79)
- package: udpate gulp-string-replace to 1.1.1 (69cb3df)
- package: udpate karma to 2.0.5 (41b4072)
- package: udpate karma-jasmine-html-reporter to 1.2.0 (baab4ae)
- package: udpate protractor to 5.4.0 (0b6d287)
- package: udpate rxjs and rxjs-compat to 6.2.2 (7169790)
- package: udpate ts-loader to 4.4.2 (6f0078b)
- package: udpate ts-node to 7.0.0 (a764320)
- package: udpate tslint to 5.11.0 (d59d61c)
- package: udpate typescript to 2.9.2 (ba62c18)
- package: udpate webpack to 4.16.2 (0a10097)
- package: udpate webpack-dev-server to 3.1.5 (daab5f7)
- package: update @types/lodash 4.14.110 to 4.14.113 (eb7916b)
- package: update ajv 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 (84eb18b)
- package: update ngtools/webpack 6.0.6 to 6.1.0 (a1dc59e)
Performance Improvements
- package: update Angular 6.0.6 to 6.1.0 (7398a0d)
- package: The upgrade to Angular and RXJS 6 will require those upgrades by anyone using this lib.