This repository has been archived by the owner on May 7, 2021. It is now read-only.
6.19.0 (2017-10-06)
Bug Fixes
- package: update @types/lodash to 4.14.77 (3a2133d)
- package: update angular to 4.4.4 (a46b729)
- package: update copy-webpack-plugin to 4.1.0 (39cbdaa)
- package: update copy-webpack-plugin to 4.1.1 (3b0c303)
- package: update extract-text-webpack-plugin to 3.0.1 (7acfe39)
- package: update file-loader to 1.1.5 (5bdc921)
- package: update mocha to 4.0.0 (4545730)
- package: update mocha to 4.0.1 (01dc431)
- package: update ngx-base to 2.2.7 (38cf107)
- package: update ngx-base to 2.2.8 (c867008)
- package: update ngx-login-client to 1.1.9 (3ce7246)
- package: update source-map-loader to 0.2.2 (55d5809)
- package: update typedoc to 0.9.0 (6d2af32)
- package: update uglify-js to 3.1.3 (747342e)
- package: update webpack-bundle-analyzer to 2.9.0 (ad94bb5)
- package: update webpack-bundle-analyzer to 2.9.1 (45b77a7)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to 2.9.1 (012e0c4)
- package: update zone.js to 0.8.18 (43caf23)
- tests: add mock for user service (a6fa240)
- tests: add services to the tests and remove reference to collaborators (650dc61)
- tests: create a direct local ref to ALLOWED_SPACE_NAMES (bb829f0)
- package: update Angular to 4.4.3 and all libraries to latest (8507c19)