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[suppressions] compute list of errors
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Make `Suppressions.parse_lines` return a list of errors instead of
reporting them as we go. This will allow us to test which errors are
reported in unit tests. Use a simple error monad to simplify notations.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D66700714

fbshipit-source-id: e51f61b7295a52cf4bf2bff547eb659f378f4ba8
  • Loading branch information
jvillard authored and facebook-github-bot committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent eeac21b commit d3dce16
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 23 deletions.
122 changes: 99 additions & 23 deletions infer/src/integration/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,23 +75,77 @@ let substring_after_match rx s =

let regex_cache = ref IString.Map.empty

module ParseResult = struct
type error = UserError of (unit -> string)

let pp_error fmt (UserError error) = F.pp_print_string fmt (error ())

type 'a parse_result = 'a * error list

let _pp_parse_result pp fmt ((x, errors) : _ parse_result) =
if List.is_empty errors then pp fmt x
F.fprintf fmt "@[RESULT: @[%a@]@\nERRORS: @[%a@]@]" pp x
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break pp_error)

let bind (x, errors) f =
let x', errors' = f x in
(x', errors' @ errors)

let ret x = (x, [])

let map x f = bind x (fun x' -> ret (f x'))

let ( >>= ) x f = bind x f

let ( >>| ) x f = map x f

let ( let* ) x f = bind x f

let ( let+ ) x f = map x f

let error f = ((), [UserError f])

let result_list_fold l ~init ~f =
let acc, rev_errors =
List.fold l ~init:(init, []) ~f:(fun (acc, rev_errors) x ->
let acc, errors = f acc x in
let rev_errors = List.rev_append errors rev_errors in
(acc, rev_errors) )
(acc, List.rev rev_errors)

let result_list_filter l ~f =
result_list_fold l ~init:[] ~f:(fun rev_l' x ->
let+ b = f x in
if b then x :: rev_l' else rev_l' )
>>| List.rev

include ParseResult

let get_regex s =
match IString.Map.find_opt s !regex_cache with
| None -> (
let r = Str.regexp s in
regex_cache := IString.Map.add s r !regex_cache ;
Some r
ret (Some r)
with _ ->
L.user_error "Invalid regex: %s@\n" s ;
let+ () = error (fun () -> F.asprintf "Invalid regex: %s@\n" s) in
None )
| v ->
| Some _ as v ->
ret v

(* return all matching issue_types for a given regex-string *)
let matching_issue_types s =
match get_regex s with
let+ regex = get_regex s in
match regex with
| Some rx ->
IssueType.all_issues ()
|> ~f:(fun {IssueType.unique_id} -> unique_id)
Expand All @@ -102,19 +156,24 @@ let matching_issue_types s =

(* does a given regex-string match any issue_type (but not all of them) *)
let valid_issue_type s =
let matching = matching_issue_types s in
let+ matching = matching_issue_types s in
List.is_empty matching |> not && List.length matching <> List.length (IssueType.all_issues ())

(* return valid bug types / wildcards from a comma-separated string *)
let extract_valid_issue_types s =
s |> String.split ~on:',' |> ~f:String.strip
|> List.filter ~f:(fun s -> s |> String.is_empty |> not)
|> List.filter ~f:(fun s ->
let valid = valid_issue_type s in
if not valid then L.user_error "%s not a valid issue_type / wildcard@\n" s ;
valid )
|> IString.Set.of_list
|> ret
>>= result_list_filter ~f:(fun s ->
let* valid = valid_issue_type s in
let+ () =
if not valid then
error (fun () -> F.asprintf "%s not a valid issue_type / wildcard@\n" s)
else ret ()
valid )
>>| IString.Set.of_list

(* trailing space intentional *)
Expand All @@ -123,30 +182,37 @@ let ignore_rx = Str.regexp_string "@infer-ignore "
let ignore_all_rx = Str.regexp_string "@infer-ignore-every "

let parse_lines ?file lines =
let parse_result =
List.fold lines
let+ parse_result =
result_list_fold lines
{current_line= 1; block_start= None; issue_types= IString.Set.empty; res= IString.Map.empty}
~f:(fun {current_line; block_start; issue_types; res} line ->
let next_line = current_line + 1 in
match (substring_after_match ignore_all_rx line, substring_after_match ignore_rx line) with
| None, None ->
{ current_line= next_line
; block_start= None
; issue_types= IString.Set.empty
; res= update_suppressions block_start current_line issue_types res }
{ current_line= next_line
; block_start= None
; issue_types= IString.Set.empty
; res= update_suppressions block_start current_line issue_types res }
| Some s, other ->
if Option.is_some other then
L.user_error "Both @infer-ignore-every and @infer-ignore found in %s line %d@\n"
(Option.value ~default:"" file) next_line ;
let* () =
if Option.is_some other then
error (fun () ->
F.asprintf "Both @infer-ignore-every and @infer-ignore found in %s line %d@\n"
(Option.value ~default:"" file) next_line )
else ret ()
let+ valid_issue_types = extract_valid_issue_types s in
{ current_line= next_line
; block_start= None
; issue_types= IString.Set.empty
; res= update_suppressions_every (extract_valid_issue_types s) res }
; res= update_suppressions_every valid_issue_types res }
| _, Some s ->
let+ valid_issue_types = extract_valid_issue_types s in
{ current_line= next_line
; block_start= (if Option.is_some block_start then block_start else Some current_line)
; issue_types= IString.Set.union issue_types (extract_valid_issue_types s)
; issue_types= IString.Set.union issue_types valid_issue_types
; res } )
L.debug Report Verbose "Parse state: %a@\n" pp_fold_state parse_result ;
Expand All @@ -158,10 +224,20 @@ let parse_lines ?file lines =

let parse_lines ?file lines =
let suppressions, errors = parse_lines ?file lines in
List.iter errors ~f:(fun (UserError error) -> L.user_error "%s" (error ())) ;

let first_key_match ~suppressions s =
IString.Map.to_seq suppressions
|> Seq.find (fun (k, _) ->
match get_regex k with Some rx -> Str.string_match rx s 0 | _ -> false )
match IString.Map.find_opt k !regex_cache with
| Some rx ->
Str.string_match rx s 0
| None ->
false )
|> ~f:snd

Expand Down

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