Supplementary material to the paper Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity published at AES AVAR 2022
- Multichannel Room Impulse Responses (RIR) from the paper (sampling rate 192 kHz). These are measured with the RL-R Audio open array (7 channels, central microphone + 3 pairs, 10cm diameter) and can be rendered using the Binaural SDM repository.
- Summary table of the room acoustical parameters of the RIRs used in the experiment. (upcoming)
- Binaural RIRs (BRIR) for several head orientations rendered using Binaural SDM. (upcoming)
- Example scripts to render the multichannel RIRs into BRIRs. (upcoming)
title = {Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity},
author = {Hannes Helmholz and Ishwarya Ananthabhotla and Paul Calamia and Sebastia V. Amengual Gari},
booktitle = {AES 2022 International Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality Conference},
publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
month = {08}
year = {2022}
See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.
The data from AVAR_2022_RA_Similarity is CC-BY-NC-4.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.
Sebastia V. Amengual ([email protected])