BenchMARL release paired with TorchRL 0.7.0
A lot of new features and many bug fixes!
New environment: MAgent2
Thans a lot to @JoseLuisC99 for making their first contribution and helping in this effort
- [Environment] MAgent2 by @JoseLuisC99 in #137
Parallel collection for non-vectorized envs
Thanks to a lot of help from @gliese876b we have introduced parallel collection for non-vectorized envs using torchrl ParallelEnv
Check it out here:
- [Feature] Parallel collection by @matteobettini in #152
Prioritized replay buffers
Again, thanks a mil to @gliese876b
- [Feature] Prioritized Replay Buffer by @gliese876b in #160
Ensemble models and algorithms
From the amazing request of @karthiks1701 we have introduced the possibilty of using different models and algorithms for different agent groups
Check it out here:
- [Feature] Ensemble models and algorithms (different chioces for different agent groups) by @matteobettini in #159
Disk storage for replay buffers
Again, thanks to the input of @JoseLuisC99, we have added the possibility to store buffers on diisk
- [Feature] Disk storage for replay buffers by @JoseLuisC99 in #155
VMAS football
Enjoy the full power of the new VMAS football enviornment in BenchMARL
More info here:
What's Changed
- [Errors] Error on unavailable combinations by @matteobettini in #142
- [BugFix] Fix meltingpot buffer transforms by @matteobettini in #148
- [BugFix] VMAS parameters names by @matteobettini in #149
- [Environment] MAgent2 by @JoseLuisC99 in #137
- [Docs] MAgent by @matteobettini in #150
- [Minor] Dependencies by @matteobettini in #151
- [Feature] Parallel collection by @matteobettini in #152
- [Feature] Prioritized Replay Buffer by @gliese876b in #160
- [Docs] MAgent typo by @matteobettini in #162
- [Feature] Ensemble models and algorithms (different chioces for different agent groups) by @matteobettini in #159
- [Feature] Disk storage for replay buffers by @JoseLuisC99 in #155
- [BugFix] Tensorboard hparam logging by @matteobettini in #165
- [TorchRL deprecation]
by @matteobettini in #167 - [Task] VMAS football by @matteobettini in #166
- [Fine-tune] Update gammas by @matteobettini in #168
- [Dependency] Make video rendering deps core by @matteobettini in #169
- [Release] 1.4.0 by @matteobettini in #170
New Contributors
- @JoseLuisC99 made their first contribution in #137
- @gliese876b made their first contribution in #160
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0