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React-tags is a simple tagging component ready to drop in your React projects. The component is inspired by GMail's To field in the compose window.


  • Autocomplete based on a suggestion list
  • Keyboard friendly and mouse support
  • Reorder tags using drag and drop


Because I was looking for an excuse to build a standalone component and publish it in the wild? To be honest, I needed a tagging component that provided the above features for my React-Surveyman project. Since I was unable to find one which met my requirements (and the fact that I generally enjoy re-inventing the wheel) this is what I came up with.



Check it out here


The preferred way of using the component is via NPM

npm install --save react-tag-input

make sure you have installed the peer dependencies as well with below versions

react: 16.13.1,
react-dnd: 10.0.2,
react-dnd-html5-backend: 10.0.2,
react-dom: 16.13.1

It is, however, also available to be used separately (dist/ReactTags.min.js). If you prefer this method remember to include ReactDND as a dependancy. Refer to the example to see how this works.


Here's a sample implementation that initializes the component with a list of initial tags and suggestions list. Apart from this, there are multiple events, handlers for which need to be set. For more details, go through the API.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { WithContext as ReactTags } from 'react-tag-input';

const KeyCodes = {
  comma: 188,
  enter: 13,

const delimiters = [KeyCodes.comma, KeyCodes.enter];

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            tags: [
                { id: "Thailand", text: "Thailand" },
                { id: "India", text: "India" }
            suggestions: [
                { id: 'USA', text: 'USA' },
                { id: 'Germany', text: 'Germany' },
                { id: 'Austria', text: 'Austria' },
                { id: 'Costa Rica', text: 'Costa Rica' },
                { id: 'Sri Lanka', text: 'Sri Lanka' },
                { id: 'Thailand', text: 'Thailand' }
        this.handleDelete = this.handleDelete.bind(this);
        this.handleAddition = this.handleAddition.bind(this);
        this.handleDrag = this.handleDrag.bind(this);

    handleDelete(i) {
        const { tags } = this.state;
         tags: tags.filter((tag, index) => index !== i),

    handleAddition(tag) {
        this.setState(state => ({ tags: [...state.tags, tag] }));

    handleDrag(tag, currPos, newPos) {
        const tags = [...this.state.tags];
        const newTags = tags.slice();

        newTags.splice(currPos, 1);
        newTags.splice(newPos, 0, tag);

        // re-render
        this.setState({ tags: newTags });

    render() {
        const { tags, suggestions } = this.state;
        return (
                <ReactTags tags={tags}
                    delimiters={delimiters} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

A note about Contexts One of the dependencies of this component is the react-dnd library. Since the 1.0 version, the original author has changed the API and requires the application using any draggable components to have a top-level backend context. So if you're using this component in an existing Application that uses React-DND you will already have a backend defined, in which case, you should require the component without the context.

const ReactTags = require('react-tag-input').WithOutContext;

Otherwise, you can simply import along with the backend itself (as shown above). If you have ideas to make this API better, I'd love to hear.


Option Type Default Description
tags Array [] An array of tags that are displayed as pre-selected
suggestions Array [] An array of suggestions that are used as basis for showing suggestions
delimiters Array [ENTER, TAB] Specifies which characters should terminate tags input
placeholder String Add new tag The placeholder shown for the input
labelField String text Provide an alternative label property for the tags
handleAddition Function undefined Function called when the user wants to add a tag (required)
handleDelete Function undefined Function called when the user wants to delete a tag (required)
handleDrag Function undefined Function called when the user drags a tag
handleFilterSuggestions Function undefined Function called when filtering suggestions
handleTagClick Function undefined Function called when the user wants to know which tag was clicked
autofocus Boolean true Boolean value to control whether the text-input should be autofocused on mount
allowDeleteFromEmptyInput Boolean true Boolean value to control whether tags should be deleted when the 'Delete' key is pressed in an empty Input Box
handleInputChange Function undefined Event handler for input onChange
handleInputFocus Function undefined Event handler for input onFocus
handleInputBlur Function undefined Event handler for input onBlur
minQueryLength Number 2 How many characters are needed for suggestions to appear
removeComponent Boolean false Custom delete/remove tag element
autocomplete Boolean/Number false Ensure the first matching suggestion is automatically converted to a tag when a delimiter key is pressed
readOnly Boolean false Read-only mode without the input box and removeComponent and drag-n-drop features disabled
name String undefined The name attribute added to the input
id String undefined The id attribute added to the input
maxLength Number Infinity The maxLength attribute added to the input
inline Boolean true Render input field and selected tags in-line
inputFieldPosition String inline Specify position of input field relative to tags
allowUnique Boolean true Boolean value to control whether tags should be unqiue
allowDragDrop Boolean true Boolean value to control whether tags should have drag-n-drop features enabled
renderSuggestion Function undefined Render prop for rendering your own suggestions

tags (optional, defaults to [])

An array of tags that are displayed as pre-selected. Each tag should have an id property, property for the label, which is specified by the labelField and class for label, which is specified by className.

// With default labelField
const tags =  [ { id: "1", text: "Apples" } ]

// With labelField of `name`
const tags =  [ { id: "1", name: "Apples" } ]

// With className
const tags = [ { id: "1", text: "Apples", className: 'red'} ]

suggestions (optional, defaults to [])

An array of suggestions that are used as basis for showing suggestions. These objects should follow the same structure as the tags. So if the labelField is name, the following would work:

// With labelField of `name`
const suggestions = [
    { id: "1", name: "mango" },
    { id: "2", name: "pineapple"},
    { id: "3", name: "orange" },
    { id: "4", name: "pear" }

<a name="delimiters"></a>
##### delimiters (optional, defaults to `[ENTER, TAB]`)

Specifies which characters should terminate tags input. An array of character codes.

const Keys = {
    TAB: 9,
    SPACE: 32,
    COMMA: 188,
    delimiters={[Keys.TAB, Keys.SPACE, Keys.COMMA]}

placeholder (optional, defaults to Add new tag)

The placeholder shown for the input.

let placeholder = "Add new country"

labelField (optional, defaults to text)

Provide an alternative label property for the tags.


This is useful if your data uses the text property for something else.

handleAddition (required)

Function called when the user wants to add a tag (either a click, a tab press or carriage return)

function(tag) {
    // add the tag to the tag list

handleDelete (required)

Function called when the user wants to delete a tag

function(i) {
    // delete the tag at index i

handleDrag (optional)

If you want tags to be draggable, you need to provide this function. Function called when the user drags a tag.

function(tag, currPos, newPos) {
    // remove tag from currPos and add in newPos

handleFilterSuggestions (optional)

To assert control over the suggestions filter, you may contribute a function that is executed whenever a filtered set of suggestions is expected. By default, the text input value will be matched against each suggestion, and those that start with the entered text will be included in the filters suggestions list. If you do contribute a custom filter function, you must return an array of suggestions. Please do not mutate the passed suggestions array.

For example, if you prefer to override the default filter behavior and instead match any suggestions that contain the entered text anywhere in the suggestion, your handleFilterSuggestions property may look like this:

function(textInputValue, possibleSuggestionsArray) {
    var lowerCaseQuery = textInputValue.toLowerCase()

    return possibleSuggestionsArray.filter(function(suggestion)  {
        return suggestion.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseQuery)

Note: The above custom filter uses String.prototype.includes, which was added to JavaScript as part of the ECMAScript 7 specification. If you need to support a browser that does not yet include support for this method, you will need to either refactor the above filter based on the capabilities of your supported browsers, or import a polyfill for String.prototype.includes.

handleTagClick (optional)

Function called when the user wants to know which tag was clicked

function(i) {
    // use the tag details at index i

autofocus (optional, defaults to true)

Optional boolean param to control whether the text-input should be autofocused on mount.


allowDeleteFromEmptyInput (optional, defaults to true)

Optional boolean param to control whether tags should be deleted when the 'Delete' key is pressed in an empty Input Box.


handleInputChange (optional)

Optional event handler for input onChange


handleInputFocus (optional)

Optional event handler for input onFocus


handleInputBlur (optional)

Optional event handler for input onBlur


minQueryLength (optional, defaults to 2)

How many characters are needed for suggestions to appear.

removeComponent (optional)

If you'd like to supply your own tag delete/remove element, create a React component and pass it as a property to ReactTags using the removeComponent option. By default, a simple anchor link with an "x" text node as its only child is rendered, but if you'd like to, say, replace this with a <button> element that uses an image instead of text, your markup may look something like this:

import {WithContext as ReactTags} from 'react-tag-input'

class Foo extends React.Component {
   render() {
      return <ReactTags removeComponent={RemoveComponent}/>

class RemoveComponent extends React.Component {
   render() {
      return (
         <button {...this.props}>
            <img src="my-icon.png" />

The "ReactTags__remove" className and onClick handler properties can be automatically included on the <button> by using the JSX spread attribute, as illustrated above.

autocomplete (optional, defaults to false)

Useful for enhancing data entry workflows for your users by ensuring the first matching suggestion is automatically converted to a tag when a delimiter key is pressed (such as the enter key). This option has three possible values:

  • true - when delimeter key (such as enter) is pressed, first matching suggestion is used.
  • 1 - when delimeter key (such as enter) is pressed, matching suggestion is used only if there is a single matching suggestion
  • false (default) - tags are not autocompleted on enter/delimiter

This option has no effect if there are no suggestions.

readOnly (optional, defaults to false)

Renders the component in read-only mode without the input box and removeComponent. This also disables the drag-n-drop feature.

name (optional)

The name attribute added to the input.

    name = "inputName"

id (optional)

The id attribute added to the input.

    id = "inputId"

maxLength (optional)

The maxLength attribute added to the input. Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the input field.

    maxLength = "42"

inline (optional, defaults to true)

The inline attributes decides whether the input fields and selected tags will be rendered in-line.





This attribute is deprecated and will be removed in v7.x.x, see inputFieldPosition.

inputFieldPosition (optional, defaults to inline)

The inputFieldPosition attribute decides the positioning of the input field relative to the tags. Can be one of inline, top or bottom.







allowUnique (optional, defaults to true)

This prop controls whether tags should be unique.

allowDragDrop (optional, defaults to true)

This prop controls whether tags should have the drag-n-drop feature enabled.

renderSuggestion (optional)

This props allows to provide your own suggestion renderer and override the default one. It receives the suggestion and the query string as parameters. For example:

    renderSuggestion = {({ text }, query) => <div style={{ textDecoration: 'underline', textDecorationStyle: 'wavy' }}>{text} ({ query })</div>}


<ReactTags> does not come up with any styles. However, it is very easy to customize the look of the component the way you want it. By default, the component provides the following classes with which you can style -

  • ReactTags__tags
  • ReactTags__tagInput
  • ReactTags__tagInputField
  • ReactTags__selected
  • ReactTags__selected ReactTags__tag
  • ReactTags__selected ReactTags__remove
  • ReactTags__suggestions
  • ReactTags__activeSuggestion

An example can be found in /example/reactTags.css.

If you need to set your own class names on the component, you may pass in a classNames prop.

      tags: 'tagsClass',
      tagInput: 'tagInputClass',
      tagInputField: 'tagInputFieldClass',
      selected: 'selectedClass',
      tag: 'tagClass',
      remove: 'removeClass',
      suggestions: 'suggestionsClass',
      activeSuggestion: 'activeSuggestionClass'


The component is written in ES6 and uses Webpack as its build tool.

Set up instructions

git clone [email protected]:facetdigital/react-tags.git
cd react-tags
npm run precommit
./run start

open http://localhost:8060/example/


Got ideas on how to make this better? Open an issue!


The autocomplete dropdown is inspired by Lea Verou's awesomeplete library. The Drag and drop functionality is provided by Dan Abramov's insanely useful ReactDND library.

Also thanks to the awesome contributors who've made the library far better!


A fantastically simple tagging component for your React projects







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