Data Reconciliation (DR) and Gross Error Detection (GED) is a topic of Chemical Engineering, Process Instrumentation and Metrology.
The main idea behind these techniques is adjust uncorrected measurement from process instruments as well as detect problems and failures in measurement equipments.
The aim of this project is to provide a collection of benchmark problems for Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection from literature review.
The collection of benckmark problems are organized systematically according to the dificulty and the problem characteristic that is supposed to be tested.
The idea is to incremment the benchmark repository adding new problems and writing the problems in other languages, such as matlab, GAMS, python, C, C++, java and others.
Initially, the benchmark problems are implemented in the free software Scilab (version 5.3 and 5.4) using the sci-ipopt optimization toolbox (interface between Scilab and Ipopt optimization solver), since it is a free software and can be used by anyone without charge.