Hi there! Please check my Weather application. Built using Jetpack compose and Material 3. :D I try to implement Clean architecture + MVVM pattern but still on single module. If you have any questions, concern feel free to open an issue. Thanks!
To run this app please make sure you register the API Key for the following sites, and add the key to local.properties
- Weather API (https://openweathermap.org/api)
- News API (https://open-platform.theguardian.com/access/)
- Location API (https://developers.teleport.org/api/)
- Air Quality Index API (https://aqicn.org/api/)
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Hilt
- Navigation component
- Coil
- Jetpack compose with material 3 dynamic theme enabled
- Lifecycle component
- Data Store
- Kotlin Flow, StateFlow
- Chrome custom tabs
- Icons (https://www.figma.com/community/file/1028044423168519795/Degry-Weather-Iconset)
- World Air Quality Index (https://waqi.info/)