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Memcached Plugin

NOTE: This plugin is compatible with FarCry 7.1.0 and over.

Memcached is available under LGPL and compatible with the open source and commercial licenses of FarCry Core

Memcached replaces the default object and webskin caching mechanism in Core with an external memcached server. This is an excellent approach for moving memory load out of ColdFusion and off the application server. A key benefit for sites running in high availability environments is that all the application servers in the cluster can be made to share a central cache.

This plugin also works with Amazon ElastiCache.

Server overview Server breakdown Application breakdown Type breakdown


  1. Install memcached
  2. Add this plugin to the project
  3. Restart your application
  4. Open the "Memcached" config
  5. Copy in your server details, in the form "" (if you don't understand the other settings, it is safe to leave the default values)
  6. Save the config
  7. Restart the application
  8. Test

Testing / Debugging


The plugin logs status and errors to "yourappname_memcached.log" using cflog. This will sometimes have information pertaining to the plugin's ability to access the memcached server.


The memcached reports are accessible in the Webtop under Admin -> General Admin -> Application Settings -> Memcached Summary.

The main screen has information about the general health of the memcached servers (or clusters, in the case of ElastiCache). You can drill down to a specific server or application by clicking "overview" or "this application".

NOTE: the information provided on the drill-down pages is aquired via an undocumented feature of memcached which the developers are planning to deprecate.

NOTE: generating the drill-down reports can have a performance impact on the application and memcached servers. If you have more than 100 000 items in your cache, you may find that the reports time out.

Cache Invalidation

Updating or restarting the application does not clear the cache. See the following sections for the different ways to invalidate cache data.

COAPI deployments

Content type data is cache keys include the last schema change date for that type. Deploying schema updates automatically causes the app to stop using previous cache items.

NOTE: other servers will conetinue to use the old cache items until you update the application to refresh the schema change dates. This allows you to deploy changes on one server without breaking the site on another unupdated server.

Rebuild Site

This option, in the Tray, invalidates every key used by the site, and will affect every server using the same Memcached server.

Fine Grained

The Memcached page in the webtop (Admin -> General Admin -> Application Settings -> Memcached Summary) has options for manually triggering invalidation either across the entire application or for specific sections of the cache. ​

In-cache Logging

This plugin includes functionality for logging to memcached. As with all cached data, these logs may be dropped depending on your server policies.

Here is a simple example of how to use it:


<!--- logging cache group - store for three days --->
<cfset application.fc.lib.objectbroker.configureType(typename="logs", timeout=3600*24*3) />


<cfset application.fc.lib.objectbroker.log("logs", dateFormat(now(), "yyyymmdd") & "T" & timeformat(now(), "hh"), '"#dateFormat(now(), "yyyymmdd") & "T" & timeformat(now(), "hhmmss")#","#cgi.remote_addr#","#url.script_name#?#cgi.query_string"') />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section id="admin">
        <subsection id="general">
            <menu id="logs" sequence="1" label="Logs">
                <menuitem id="requests" sequence="10" label="Requests" typename="configGeneral" bodyView="webtopBodyRequestLogs" />

​### webskin/configGeneral/webtopBodyRequestLogs.cfm

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true">

<cfset earliestDate = dateAdd("d", -3, now()) />
<cfset currentDate = now() />
<cfparam name="url.showlogs" default="#dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyymmdd")#T#timeformat(currentDate, "hh")#" />
<cfset qCurrentLogs = queryNew("empty") />
<cfset qLogCounts = queryNew("label,count,logID") />
<cfloop condition="currentDate gt earliestDate">
    <cfset logID = dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyymmdd") & "T" & timeformat(currentDate, "hh") />
    <cfset qLogs = application.fc.lib.objectbroker.getLog("logs", logID, "timestamp,remote_addr,path") />

    <cfset queryAddRow(qLogCounts) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qLogCounts, "label", dateFormat(currentDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " " & timeformat(currentDate, "hh:00TT") & " - " & timeformat(dateAdd("h", 1, currentDate), "hh:00TT")) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qLogCounts, "count", qLogs.recordcount) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qLogCounts, "logID", logID) />

    <cfif logID eq url.showlogs>
        <cfset qCurrentLogs = qLogs />

    <cfset currentDate = dateAdd("h", -1, currentDate) />

    <h1>Request Logs - #url.showlogs#</h1>
    <select onChange="window.location=this.value">

<cfoutput query="qLogCounts">
    <option value="#application.fapi.fixURL(addValues="showlogs=#qLogCounts.logID#")#" <cfif url.showlogs eq qLogCounts.logID>selected</cfif>>
        #qLogCounts.label# (#qLogCounts.count#)


    <table class="table table-striped">
                <th>IP Address</th>

<cfoutput query="qCurrentLogs">


<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false">

Support for cache warming functionality

  • application.fc.lib.objectbroker.prepareCacheVersion and application.fc.lib.objectbroker.finalizeCacheVersion allow a developer to access the next cache version (see invalidation above), populate that cache, then update the app to use that version. This allows the developer to clear the current cache without flooding the app with uncached requests.
  • A new config (Access Key), and support for URL parameters in the form cacheversion_[type]_[accesskey]=N allows a developer to make a request that populates a specific cache version.


Memcached plugin for core objectbroker and webskin caching







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