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Sergeus edited this page Jun 21, 2012 · 39 revisions

Welcome to the Project Kyoto wiki!

Our aim is to implement a multi-agent simulation of the Kyoto protocol, working from an abstract model to a more representative and realistic model of the current carbon emissions and carbon economy.


Work sessions have been primarily focussed on researching both the details of the Kyoto Protocol and how to implement a solution using Presage 2. Most people (if not all) have successfully set up Eclipse and are able to use example Presage 2 projects to run simulations. The group members have been assigned roles based on the code they've currently been working on.

The rules and structure of our simulation have also been finalised. The emphasis is now on writing Java classes and methods to provide a protocol which agents can use to trade with each other (trade protocol) and an abstract country agent which can be extended to implement all the different agents required. This will be improved to provide the opportunity for agents to invest in other agents as an implementation of the clean development mechanism (CDM) and joint implementation (JI) schemes.

Wiki Index

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Set the run arguments to: finishTime=5


The aims of the overall project have been decided as follows:

  • Implement complete and realistic simulation of Kyoto Protocol using Presage 2
  • Focus on groups providing different behaviours for different country classifications within Kyoto Protocol (Annex 1, Non Annex 1, Non participants etc.)
  • Harvest simulation data for many input parameter sets and output the results in a visually exciting form (e.g. Google Chart Tools to generate output)
  • Check which conditions and parameters are sufficient for countries to reach their targets set by the Kyoto protocol.

Completed Tasks

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  • Set up development environments and get Presage 2 example projects working (entire group)
  • Collaboration tools set up including: github repository gitrepo, google docs, dropbox, mailing list.
  • Setup instructions and advice

In Progress

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  • Implementation of the trade protocol (Group5).
  • Implementation of the AbstractCountry class to be extended by all agents (Group1 & Group4).
  • Implementation of the carbon reduction/absorptions methods (Group4).
  • Defining the GDP growth model for all countries (Group 2 - more info:
  • Implementation of the EU, its credits allocation and sanctions engine (Group1).
  • Carbon emission report action and action handler and service to update the shared data (Group 3).


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  • More tests!
  • Complete the trade protocol.
  • Complete the AbstractCountry class.
  • Write complete set of country classes with unique behaviors extending the AbstractCountry class.
  • Data analysis tools.
  • Random event generator.


  • Trade protocol completed (expected completion date: 1st June).
  • Final GDP growth models, emission reporting service, abstract country class. (expected completion date: 1st June).
  • A basic country agent for each group with minimal behaviour (expected completion date: 6th June).
  • Basic working simulation (expected completion date: 8th June).
  • More complex agent behaviours and interim testing (expected completion date: 14th June).
  • Final agent behaviours to be handed in by all groups (expected completion date: 18th June).
  • Simulation data mining and web interface for analysis (expected completion date: 18th June).
  • Analysis of obtained data and report writing (expected completion date: 25th June).