A simple C# console program to parse blackboard exported quiz file (which is in xml format), it exported relevant data and saves as a Tab Seperated Text file (that can be open in excel) or and Imported to Wizlearn's LMS
Completed all outstanding task,now code
- can handle 'Multiple Choice', 'True or False' and 'Multiple Answer' question type.
- Options are no longer hard coded to 4 choice but dynamic
- Output is in Tab seperated and out as Text file
- Output is in UTF-8 Format to resolve 'funny characters' issue
- non standard <o:p> html tags from microsoft office is removed
- Handles the variance in correct option for blackboard that initially caused error
- Added ASCII ART at start
- Handle exception where input file is misisng
- Handles exception if output file is in use.
- Handles file path to be where the program is located instead of hard coded.
- MAX option supported is 9 (for questions).