A simple Note making Application which on click of the word give you the frequency and similar words.
In order to run the Notes Application. In the project directory - Backend/NoteBook, you can run the Spring Boot Application as follow:
1. Set You JAVA_HOME - I have used jdk 16 version
2. Open cmd or terminal in the opened folder
3. mvnw package
4. cd target
5.java -jar NoteBook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
OR Use Intelij or any ide to build the same
The server is hosted at http://localhost:8080
Swagger Documentation at http://localhost:8080//swagger-ui-custom.html
Unit test cases are also written.
1. Install nodejs in the system - I am using 14.18.1
2. Go to the project directory - FrontEnd\NoteBook,
3. Open cmd or terminal
4. npm install (for all the required dependecies)
5. ng serve (to start the application) or npm run build (Builds the app for production to the `build` folder).