A PHP Class to fetch Twitter Conversations
With the release of Twitters REST v1.1 API's, they depreciated the functionality of retreving a public conversation of Tweets. This class helps to solve that.
View full documentation at: http://adriancrepaz.com/twitter_conversions_api
// Require the acTwitterConversation class.
require_once './acTwitterConversation.php';
// Fetch a Tweet. (A tweet by Facebook, for example).
$tweetId = 324214451756728320;
// Optional.
// Fetch the 'data' fields, this includes essential tweet data.
$method = 'data';
// Optional.
// Only fetch replies for a conversation since $tweetId was made.
// Ignoring prior tweets in the thread.
$conversate = CONVERSATE_AFTER;
// Initiate the class, and fetch the conversation.
$twitter = new acTwitterConversation;
$conversation = $twitter->fetchConversion($tweetId, $method, $conversate);
[error] => false
[tweets] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 324214861728989184
[state] => after
[username] => michaelschultz
[name] => Michael Schultz
[content] => @facebook good April Fools joke Facebook….chat hasn’t changed. No new features.
[date] => 16 Apr
[images] => Array
[thumbnail] => https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/414193649073668096/dbIUerA8_normal.jpeg
[large] => https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/414193649073668096/dbIUerA8.jpeg
[1] = Array(
Please see the full documentation at for a list of options, response types and notes.
Created by Adrian Crepaz - http://adriancrepaz.com - @adriancrepaz