A JSON API service developed in Sinatra, Ruby.
- Ruby 2.7.4
- Bundler 2.2.9
- Sinatra 2.1.0
- Sequel 5.47.0
- Puma 5.4.0
- Postgres 13.0
Clone the project repo
$ git clone https://github.com/farooqahmad075/posts_app.git
Get into the project directory
$ cd posts_app
Install gems and their dependencies
$ bundle install
- Copy the environment variables example file
Use following command to do so
$ cp .env.example .env
- Set the following ENV Variables in
Placing the following external plugin(s) to your Sequel gemset
Sequel Polymorphic
$ cp lib/sequel/plugins/polymorphic.rb .rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4/gems/sequel-5.47.0/lib/sequel/plugins/polymorphic.rb
Before setting up the Database(s), please make sure you created database(s) manually from psql console.
$ bundle exec sequel -m db/migrations postgres://localhost/posts_app_database
$ ruby db/seeds.rb
Setting up the cron jobs
$ whenever --update-crontab
Start the Application server
$ bundle exec puma