RAPID is the quality analysis application that SIG developes for the FASTEN project in WP3.
RapidPlugin is a FASTEN plugin that
generates code complexity data for the product
The plugin consumes messages in the Kafka topics,
generates code complexity data using Lizard
, and
produces Kafka topics with complexity data at the callable
The plugin will trigger different pipelines based on the forge
so the field forge
is a mandatory in any incoming messages.
The currently supported forges are "mvn", "debian", and "PyPI".
The plugin will raise an exception if the forge
in the message is not supported or empty.
The default topic to consume: fasten.SyncJava.out
An example message produced by the SyncJava plugin, which merges out messages from RepoCloner and JavaCGOpal:
"input": {},
"host": "fasten-repo-cloner-56dcf76495-bn4c2",
"created_at": 1602739158,
"plugin_name": "SyncJava",
"fasten.RepoCloner.out" : {
"payload": {
"repoUrl": "",
"date": 1291905586,
"forge": "mvn",
"groupId": "fasten-project",
"artifactId": "fasten",
"version": "1.0.0",
"sourcesUrl": "http://fasten-project/fasten/fasten-1.0.0-sources.jar",
"repoPath": "/mnt/fasten/repos/f/fasten-project/fasten",
"repoType": "git",
"commitTag": "v1.0.0"
The message should have all the information to identify a unique product
For Maven, the fields groupId
, artifactId
, and version
should not be empty.
Missing any of these fields will cause exceptions in message consuming.
The message should have at least one way to point out the link to the source code.
This field is the most reliable pointer to the versioned source code of a product
If sourcesUrl
presents and is non-empty, the plugin will download the source code from the url specified in sourcesUrl
If sourcesUrl
does not present or is empty, the plugin will try the other sources to get the source code.
If repoPath
is not empty, the repository of the product
has been cloned to the FASTEN server.
The plugin will try to check out the right version of the source code if both repoType
and commitTag
are non-empty.
The currently supportedrepoType
are "git", "svn", and "hg".
The plugin will raise an exception if the repoType
in the message is not supported.
If none of the above efforts succeed, the plugin will raise an exception specifying that it cannot get the source code.
The current topic to consume: fasten.pycg.with_sources.out
An example message:
"input": {},
"plugin_name": "PyCG",
"plugin_version": "0.0.1",
"created_at": "1596576724",
"payload": {
"product": "gud",
"forge": "PyPI",
"generator": "PyCG",
"depset": [],
"version": "1.0.10",
"timestamp": "1561421985",
"modules": {
"cha": {},
"metadata": {},
"sourcePath": "/mnt/fasten/pypi-test/final/sources/g/gud/1.0.10"
The message should have all the information to identify a unique product
For PyPI, the fields product
, and version
should not be empty.
Missing any of these fields will cause exceptions in message consuming.
If sourcePath
is empty, the plugin will raise an exception.
The current topic to consume: fasten.debian.cg.2
An example message:
"plugin_name": "CScoutKafkaPlugin",
"plugin_version": "0.0.1",
"input": {
"package": "sed",
"version": "4.7-1",
"arch": "amd64",
"release": "buster",
"source": "sed",
"source_version": "4.7-1",
"date": ""
"created_at": "1600861444.064117",
"payload": {
"forge": "debian",
"release": "",
"product": "sed",
"version": "4.7-1",
"source": "sed",
"architecture": "amd64",
"generator": "cscout",
"timestamp": "1545470644",
"depset": [],
"build_depset": [],
"undeclared_depset": [],
"graph": {},
"functions": {},
"profiling_data": {},
"sourcePath": "/mnt/fasten/debian/sources/s/sed/4.7-1"
Similar to PyPI, the fields product
, and version
should not be empty.
Missing any of these fields will cause exceptions in message consuming.
If sourcePath
is empty, the plugin will raise an exception.
The field input
in the output topic is used for tracking upstreaming plugins and
usually copies the whole payload
from the consumed message.
To avoid potential large message in the output topics,
the plugin will tailor the payload
of consumed message.
The content of the following fields will be tailored.
PyPI: fasten.pycg.with_sources.out
Debian: fasten.debian.cg.2
The default topic to produce: fasten.RapidPlugin.callable.out
An example message:
"plugin_name": "RapidPlugin",
"plugin_version": "0.0.1",
"input": {},
"created_at": "1595434993",
"payload": {
"analyzer_name": "Lizard",
"analyzer_version": "1.17.7",
"analysis_timestamp": "1596455923",
"product": "fasten-project:fasten",
"version": "1.0.0",
"forge": "mvn",
"language": "java",
"filepath": "/fasten/core/server.java",
"name": "callable",
"long_name": "callable(int i)",
"start_line": 33,
"end_line": 42,
"metrics": {
"nloc": 10,
"complexity": 5,
"...": 0
The default topic to produce: fasten.RapidPlugin.callable.log
The default topic to produce: fasten.RapidPlugin.callable.err