The ultimate all-in-one Flutter application packaging and distribution tool, providing a seamless solution for all your distribution needs.
Name Change Notice:
Flutter Distributorhas been renamed to Fastforge. If you were previously usingFlutter Distributor, please note that all functionality remains the same, but the package name, commands, and documentation have been updated to reflect this change.
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Complete documentation is available at
- 🚀 One-Click Build: Support for Android APK/AAB, iOS IPA, and more
- 📦 Multi-Platform Release: Support for App Store, Google Play, Firebase, Pgyer,, etc.
- 🔄 CI/CD Integration: Perfect integration with GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, and more
- 🛠 Flexible Configuration: Support for multiple environments, flavors, and custom build arguments
- Android: AAB, APK
- iOS: IPA
- Linux: AppImage, DEB, RPM, Pacman
- macOS: DMG, PKG
- Windows: EXE, MSIX
- Universal: ZIP
- More formats coming soon...
- App Center
- App Store
- Firebase
- Firebase Hosting
- GitHub Releases
- Play Store
- Qiniu
- Vercel
- More platforms coming soon...
dart pub global activate fastforge
- Add
to your project root:
PGYER_API_KEY: "your api key" # Replace with your own API keys
output: dist/
- name: dev
# Build and publish APK to PGYER
- name: release-dev-android
platform: android
target: apk
target-platform: android-arm,android-arm64
APP_ENV: dev
publish_to: pgyer
# Build and publish IPA to PGYER
- name: release-dev-ios
platform: ios
target: ipa
export-options-plist: ios/dev_ExportOptions.plist
APP_ENV: dev
publish_to: pgyer
are parameters supported by theflutter build
command. Modify them according to your project requirements.
- Release your app:
fastforge release --name dev
fastforge package --platform=android --targets=aab,apk
fastforge publish --path dist/your-app-1.0.0+1-android.apk --targets pgyer
fastforge release --name dev
Fastforge includes several example projects to help you get started:
- hello_world - Basic example demonstrating the core functionality.
- multiple_flavors - Example showing how to configure multiple application flavors.
- custom_binary_name - Example of how to customize binary output names.
Fastforge supports using environment variables in your configuration files. This is useful for sensitive information like API keys:
API_KEY: ${PGYER_API_KEY} # Uses the PGYER_API_KEY environment variable
Fastforge works well in CI/CD environments. For example, with GitHub Actions:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
- name: Install Fastforge
run: dart pub global activate fastforge
- name: Build and release
run: fastforge release --name production
API_KEY: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
Check the documentation for more detailed CI/CD integration examples.
- Biyi - A convenient translation and dictionary app.
- Qianji - A purely bookkeeping app.
- Airclap - Send any file to any device. cross platform, ultra fast and easy to use.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to help improve Fastforge:
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and follow the existing code style.