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Repository files navigation


This website is built on GitHub Pages using 11ty, a JavaScript-powered static site generator.

Set Up the Environment

  1. Install Node.js

    Check if Node.js is installed:

    node -v

    If not, install Node.js:

    • Windows: Download the installer from the official website.
    • macOS: Install using Homebrew:
      brew install node
    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install nodejs
      sudo apt-get install npm
  2. Clone the Repository

    Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  3. Install Dependencies

    Navigate to the site repository using the 'cd' command and install the required Node modules:

    cd pose
    npm install

Development and Deployment

  1. Development Scripts

    • Start the development server:

      npm start
    • Build the site for production:

      npm run build
  2. Deployment

    • When you push changes to GitHub, the GitHub Actions workflow will automatically copy the files from the /public/ folder to the gh-pages branch.
    • In the repository's Settings > Pages, the source should be set to "Deploy from a branch", and the Branch should be gh-pages, with the folder set to /(root).
    • In the root directory, change the pathPrefix in .eleventy.js to match your GitHub repository name.

Edit Content

Global Content

File Path: /src/_data/global.json

This file currently controls the metadata in the <head> section of your HTML. To optimize the display of your site in search results, please follow these guidelines:

  • The title should be fewer than 60 characters.
  • The description should be fewer than 160 characters.

Global JSON

Static Content

Static content includes the following sections

  • Hero: /src/_data/hero.json
  • About: /src/_data/about.json
  • Training Material: /src/_data/training.json
  • Success Stories: /src/_data/stories.json

Eg.: The hero section content can be easily edited in the json file as below:



In Eleventy (11ty), a collection is a set of content, typically markdown files, that can be processed and manipulated together. Collections are used for managing teams and events to enhance scalability. This setup allows for the potential creation of individual pages for each team member or event in the future.

  1. Team

    File Path: /src/team/

    • Each team member's data is stored in a markdown file.
    • On the home page, team members are displayed in the order of their file names in ascending order.
    • The excerpt, which is displayed before users click the "Show More" button, should ideally be the first 1-2 sentences of the bio. This prevents the layout of the page from shifting when the 'Show More' button is clicked.

    Add a New Team Member

    1. Create a new markdown file in /src/team/. Name the file in the format: {order}-{firstname}-{lastname}.md.
    2. Add the avatar image to /src/img/team/. Name the image file: {firstname}-{lastname}.jpg. The image should be 250px by 250px and in JPG format.
    3. Copy the content from an existing team member's markdown file to the new one, then update the content as needed.
  2. Events

    File Path: /src/events/

    • Similar to the team data, each event's data is stored in a Markdown file.
    • On the home page, only upcoming events are displayed in ascending order based on their filenames. For optimal performance, older events should be moved to the /past-events/ folder periodically.
    • If there are fewer than four events, the event cards will be displayed as static cards, not in a slider format.


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  • SCSS 49.4%
  • Nunjucks 37.0%
  • JavaScript 13.6%