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The goal of metatargetr is to parse targeting information from the Meta Ad Targeting dataset and retrieve data from the Audience tab in the Meta Ad Library. It also includes helper functions for Meta ad library data and integrates data from the Google Transparency Report.

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Table of Contents


You can install the development version of metatargetr like so:


Load in Package


Get Targeting Criteria (Last 30 Days)

The following code retrieves the targeting criteria used by the main page of the VVD (Dutch party) in the last 30 days of available data.

Just put in the right Page ID. These can be found in the Meta Ad Library or the Meta Ad Library Report. You can also retrieve historical report data from the maintained database.

last30 <- get_targeting(id = "121264564551002", 
                        timeframe = "LAST_30_DAYS")

head(last30, 5)
#>               value num_ads total_spend_pct     type location_type
#> 1               All      44       1.0000000   gender          <NA>
#> 2             Women       0       0.0000000   gender          <NA>
#> 3               Men       0       0.0000000   gender          <NA>
#> 4 5931, Netherlands       7       0.1598496 location          zips
#> 5 9461, Netherlands       7       0.1598496 location          zips
#>   num_obfuscated is_exclusion custom_audience_type         ds main_currency
#> 1             NA           NA                 <NA> 2024-12-26           EUR
#> 2             NA           NA                 <NA> 2024-12-26           EUR
#> 3             NA           NA                 <NA> 2024-12-26           EUR
#> 4              0        FALSE                 <NA> 2024-12-26           EUR
#> 5              0        FALSE                 <NA> 2024-12-26           EUR
#>   total_num_ads total_spend_formatted is_30_day_available is_90_day_available
#> 1            44                €7,606                TRUE                TRUE
#> 2            44                €7,606                TRUE                TRUE
#> 3            44                €7,606                TRUE                TRUE
#> 4            44                €7,606                TRUE                TRUE
#> 5            44                €7,606                TRUE                TRUE
#>           page_id
#> 1 121264564551002
#> 2 121264564551002
#> 3 121264564551002
#> 4 121264564551002
#> 5 121264564551002

Get Targeting Criteria (Last 7 Days)

The following code retrieves the targeting criteria used by the main page of the VVD (Dutch party) in the last 7 days. Just put in the right Page ID.

last7 <- get_targeting(id = "121264564551002", 
                       timeframe = "LAST_7_DAYS")

head(last7, 5)
#> # A tibble: 0 × 7
#> # ℹ 7 variables: ds <chr>, main_currency <chr>, total_num_ads <int>,
#> #   total_spend_formatted <chr>, is_30_day_available <lgl>,
#> #   is_90_day_available <lgl>, page_id <chr>

Retrieve Historical Targeting Data from Database

Unfortunately, using get_targeting you can only get the targeting criteria in the last 7, 30, and 90 days windows. However, I have set up scrapers that retrieve the daily targeting data for every single page in the world that runs advertisements in order to archive this data. You can use the function below to retrieve it.

Be aware: sometimes the scrapers do not work so it is possible that some pages are missing. You can use retrieve_targeting_metadata function to check which data for which country and day is present.

# # set some parameters
the_cntry <- "DE"
tf <- 30
ds <- "2024-10-25"

# # Call the function
latest_data <- get_targeting_db(the_cntry, tf, ds)

# # Inspect the data
#> # A tibble: 6 × 37
#>   internal_id no_data tstamp              page_id  cntry page_name partyfacts_id
#>   <chr>       <lgl>   <dttm>              <chr>    <chr> <chr>     <chr>        
#> 1 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> 2 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> 3 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> 4 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> 5 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> 6 <NA>        NA      2024-10-27 19:12:35 7440553… DE    CDU-Frak… 1375         
#> # ℹ 30 more variables: sources <chr>, country <chr>, party <chr>,
#> #   left_right <dbl>, tags <glue>, tags_ideology <chr>, disclaimer <chr>,
#> #   amount_spent_eur <chr>, number_of_ads_in_library <chr>, date <chr>,
#> #   path <chr>, tf <chr>, remove_em <lgl>, total_n <int>, amount_spent <dbl>,
#> #   value <chr>, num_ads <int>, total_spend_pct <dbl>, type <chr>,
#> #   location_type <chr>, num_obfuscated <int>, is_exclusion <lgl>, ds <chr>,
#> #   main_currency <chr>, total_num_ads <int>, total_spend_formatted <dbl>, …

Retrieve Historical Report Data from the Database

Using get_report_db, you can retrieve archived advertising reports for specific pages, countries, and timeframes. Reports are stored in a repository and can be downloaded and read directly into R.

Note: While we strive to keep the archive complete, occasional scraper failures may lead to missing data for certain days.

# # set some parameters
the_cntry <- "DE"
tf <- 30
ds <- "2024-10-25"

# # Call the function
latest_data <- get_report_db(the_cntry, tf, ds)

# # Inspect the data
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   page_id     page_name disclaimer amount_spent_eur number_of_ads_in_lib…¹ date 
#>   <chr>       <chr>     <chr>      <chr>            <chr>                  <chr>
#> 1 2781178155… EU Justi… EU Justic… 296508           28                     2024…
#> 2 1706886445… UNICEF D… UNICEF De… 78283            79                     2024…
#> 3 1891313609… LIQID In… LIQID Inv… 76300            88                     2024…
#> 4 1918513976… VETO – T… VETO - Ti… 71581            218                    2024…
#> 5 23216224900 Plan Int… Plan Inte… 62605            62                     2024…
#> 6 1612732458… Save the… Save the … 59891            195                    2024…
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​number_of_ads_in_library
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: path <chr>, tf <chr>, cntry <chr>

Get Page Info

You can also retrieve some page info of the page that you are interested in.

page_info <- get_page_insights("121264564551002", include_info = "page_info")

#> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  20 variables:
#>  $ page_name             : chr "VVD"
#>  $ is_profile_page       : chr "FALSE"
#>  $ page_is_deleted       : chr "FALSE"
#>  $ page_is_restricted    : chr "FALSE"
#>  $ has_blank_ads         : chr "FALSE"
#>  $ hidden_ads            : chr "0"
#>  $ page_profile_uri      : chr ""
#>  $ page_id               : chr "121264564551002"
#>  $ page_verification     : chr "BLUE_VERIFIED"
#>  $ entity_type           : chr "PERSON_PROFILE"
#>  $ page_alias            : chr "VVD"
#>  $ likes                 : chr "108137"
#>  $ page_category         : chr "Political party"
#>  $ ig_verification       : chr "TRUE"
#>  $ ig_username           : chr "vvd"
#>  $ ig_followers          : chr "42137"
#>  $ shared_disclaimer_info: chr "[]"
#>  $ about                 : chr "Doe mee en word lid van de VVD! 💙🧡 "
#>  $ event                 : chr "CREATION: 2010-04-23 21:05:02"
#>  $ no_address            : logi TRUE


The retrieve_targeting_metadata function is designed to retrieve metadata about targeting data releases from a GitHub repository to see which data is present (or not). It extracts and organizes information such as file names, sizes, timestamps, and tags for a specified country and timeframe. This metadata provides an overview of the available targeting data without downloading the actual files.

  • country_code (Character):
    The ISO country code (e.g., "DE" for Germany, "US" for the United States).

  • timeframe (Character):
    The timeframe for the targeting data. Acceptable values are:

    • "7": Last 7 days.
    • "30": Last 30 days.
    • "90": Last 90 days.
  • base_url (Character, default: ""):
    The base URL for the GitHub repository hosting the targeting data.

# Retrieve metadata for Germany for the last 30 days
metadata <- retrieve_targeting_metadata("DE", "30")

#> # A tibble: 314 × 3
#>    cntry ds         tframe      
#>    <chr> <chr>      <chr>       
#>  1 DE    2024-12-26 last_30_days
#>  2 DE    2024-12-25 last_30_days
#>  3 DE    2024-12-24 last_30_days
#>  4 DE    2024-12-23 last_30_days
#>  5 DE    2024-12-22 last_30_days
#>  6 DE    2024-12-21 last_30_days
#>  7 DE    2024-12-20 last_30_days
#>  8 DE    2024-12-19 last_30_days
#>  9 DE    2024-12-18 last_30_days
#> 10 DE    2024-12-17 last_30_days
#> # ℹ 304 more rows

Get Images and Videos

The following code downloads the images and videos of a Meta ad. It also retrieves additional info not present in the Meta Ad Library API (e.g. page_like_count cta_type i.e. call to action button). Just put in the right Ad Archive ID.

It automatically handles duplicate images and videos (of which there are many) by hashing the images and videos and making sure they are not saved twice.

This piece of code was created in collaboration with Philipp Mendoza.

get_ad_snapshots("561403598962843", download = T, hashing = T, mediadir = "data/media")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 52
#>   name  ad_creative_id cards         body_translations byline caption   cta_text
#>   <chr>          <dbl> <list>        <lgl>             <lgl>  <chr>     <lgl>   
#> 1 f      6269946734162 <df [2 × 16]> NA                NA     worldmil… NA      
#> # ℹ 45 more variables: dynamic_item_flags <lgl>, dynamic_versions <lgl>,
#> #   edited_snapshots <lgl>, effective_authorization_category <chr>,
#> #   event <lgl>, extra_images <lgl>, extra_links <lgl>, extra_texts <lgl>,
#> #   extra_videos <lgl>, instagram_shopping_products <lgl>,
#> #   display_format <chr>, title <chr>, link_description <chr>, link_url <chr>,
#> #   page_welcome_message <lgl>, images <lgl>, videos <lgl>,
#> #   creation_time <int>, page_id <dbl>, page_name <chr>, …

Google Transparency Report

ggl_get_spending is a function in R that queries the Google Transparency Report to retrieve information about advertising spending for a specified advertiser. It supports a range of countries and can provide either aggregated data or time-based spending data.

To use ggl_get_spending, you need the advertiser’s unique identifier, the desired date range, and the country code. The function also has an option to retrieve time-based spending data.

Retrieve Aggregated Spending Data

Retrieve aggregated spending data for a specific advertiser in the Netherlands. It returns details like currency, number of ads, ad type breakdown, advertiser details, and other metrics.

ggl_get_spending(advertiser_id = "AR18091944865565769729", 
                 start_date = "2023-10-24", 
                 end_date = "2023-11-22",
                 cntry = "NL")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 18
#>   currency spend number_of_ads text_ad_perc text_ad_spend text_type vid_ad_perc
#>   <chr>    <chr> <chr>                <dbl>         <dbl>     <int>       <dbl>
#> 1 EUR      56050 160                  0.319         0.521         3       0.681
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: vid_ad_spend <dbl>, vid_type <int>, metric <int>,
#> #   advertiser_id <chr>, advertiser_name <chr>, cntry <chr>, unk1 <int>,
#> #   unk2 <int>, unk3 <int>, unk4 <chr>, unk5 <chr>

Retrieve Time-Based Spending Data

Retrieve time-based spending data for the same advertiser and country. If get_times is set to TRUE, it returns a tibble with date-wise spending data.

# Retrieve time-based spending data for the same advertiser and country
timeseries_dat <- ggl_get_spending(advertiser_id = "AR18091944865565769729", 
                                   start_date = "2023-10-24", 
                                   end_date = "2023-11-22", 
                                   cntry = "NL", 
                                   get_times = T)

# Plotting the time-series data
timeseries_dat %>% 
    ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(date, spend)) +
    ggplot2::geom_col() +

Citing metatargetr

If you use the metatargetr package or data from its database in your research, publications, or other outputs, please ensure you provide proper attribution. This helps recognize the effort and resources required to maintain and provide access to these data.

Citation Format

Votta, Fabio, & Mendoza, Philipp. (2024). metatargetr: A package for parsing and analyzing ad library and targeting data. GitHub. Available at:

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Votta, Fabio and Mendoza, Philipp},
  title = {metatargetr: A package for parsing and analyzing ad library and targeting data},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  url = {}

Additional Notes

If you use data from the metatargetr database, please include the following acknowledgement in your work:

Data were retrieved from the metatargetr database, maintained by Fabio Votta. The database archives targeting data from the Meta Ad Library and Google Transparency Report. For more information, visit

By including these citations and acknowledgements, you help support the continued development of metatargetr and its associated resources. Thank you for your collaboration!


Retrieve and Parse Meta Ad Targeting Data



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