- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/faysalmehedi/
docker-session-demo Public
3-day sessions on Containerization (Docker) - Basic to Advance - Hands-on Demo
reading-list-frontend Public
This is a demo react app with flask backend.
reading-list-backend Public
This is a demo flask app with react frontend.
Python UpdatedDec 5, 2023 -
container-session-demo Public
simple demo on docker for presentation purpose.
aws-ha-app-deployment-demo Public
This is a demo project where I deployed a multi-tier web app with high availabilty features maintaining high security. This project is fully deployed using AWS services.
vxlan-ovs-docker-lab Public
This hands-on demo will provide an overview of container/pod communication between multi-node or multi container daemon under the hood using Open vSwitch, docker and VXLAN.
spring-petclinic Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-petclinicA sample Spring-based application
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 28, 2023 -
This is hands-on demo on understanding container networking using linux network namespaces and a virtual switch to isolate servers.
python-sample-vscode-flask-tutorial Public
Forked from microsoft/python-sample-vscode-flask-tutorialSample code for the Flask tutorial in the VS Code documentation
pipelines-java Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/pipelines-javaSample Java application referred to by Azure Pipelines documentation
what-happens-when_BN Public
একটি পুরনো প্রশ্নের উত্তরের খোঁজে, "কি ঘটে যখন আপনি ব্রাউজারে google.com লিখে ঠাস করে এন্টার চাপ দেন?"
packet-analysis Public
An in-depth analysis of traffic flow.; How containers communicate on the same node or multi-node, packets headers content, filter based on packet header fields;
load_balancing_nginx_docker Public
Project: Three docker containers load balancing by Nginx; deployed using docker-compose.
vxlan-docker-hands-on Public
Hands-on: Multi-node container / Overlay communication using linux vxlan feature.
fullstack-docker-project Public
Dockerizing a fullstack app (frontend+backend) with Postgres + Redis + Nginx. Build and deploy with docker-compose.yml file.
devops-with-k8s Public
Submissions to the exercises from devopswithkubernetes 2021
python-programming-mooc-2021 Public
Solutions to Python Programming MOOC 2021 - https://programming-21.mooc.fi/
devops-with-docker Public
Submissions to the exercises from devopswithdocker 2021. https://mooc.fi/en
github-actions-ci-cd-demo Public
CI/CD with Github Actions + Docker + Heroku.
Journey_Of_Bash_Scripting Public
Forked from shshetudev/Journey_Of_Bash_Scripting -
simple-javascript-exercise Public
Simple JavaScript exercises for refreshing basic JavaScript knowledge.
fullstackopen Public
The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js. React, Node, MongoDB, REST, GraphQL and TypeScript exercises for University of Helsinki: F…
todos_flask_api_backend Public
Full-fledged todo backend api with authentication build in using flask