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Turing machine visualizer and analyzer

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Teachers and tutors of theoretical computer science courses often face the dual problem of (a) helping novice students to become acquainted with the somewhat counterintuitive discipline of Turing machine design and interpretation, and on the other hand (b) interpreting and assessing their students' output which — due to the aforementioned lack of intuition — can often get quite convoluted itself.

This project is an attempt at developing tools that may help solve both sides of the problem; first, by providing a graphical environment in which the structure and behavior of machine designs can be visualized and explored intuitively; second, by providing tools for assisted (and partially automated) analysis of their behavior in terms of a higher level description language.

It grew out of dissatisfaction with the tools already available on the internet, which are either too inflexible (i.e. limited in their functionality) or sport outdated and/or uncomfortable user interfaces.

Try it

This is a browser-based application. A fully functional build is available here. For a guide to the description language and some examples, see below.

Here is a screenshot of the main view, showing the transition diagram of a machine on the left and its low level textual description on the right:

A screenshot of the diagram view

Building from source

In order to build the application yourself, clone the repository and run

$ npm install

Then run

$ npm run build

for the production mode build (optimized and minified), or

$ npm run build-dev

for the development build. Finally, run

$ npm run serve

to start a minimal webserver hosting the application. The build scripts invoke webpack under the hood.

If you update the grammar of the description language (src/spec.pegjs), you must run peggy to regenerate the javascript parser code. The following command

$ npm run peg

invokes the peggy binary with the right options.


At present, only the first part of the project is developed and already quite usable. It takes as input a low level textual description of a Turing machine and provides an interactive visualization of the transition diagram and table, together with a tape editor and navigator and tools for running the program. There is still room for improvement, for example by adding a suite of keyboard shortcuts, graphical editing tools and code navigation utilities.

Eventually, a high-level description language (with composable blocks and structured control flow) will be implemented together with tools for reverse-engineering a high-level description from a low-level one. Ideally, once a high-level description is available, the application should be able to extract hints from it for an improved visualization.

A Turing machine program is essentially a set of labeled code blocks each comprising exactly a load, a branch on the loaded value, a store, a pointer update and a jump. The idea is to apply well-known decompilation techniques to recover structured flow control constructs from the transition graph.

  • Description editor
    • Load and export code
    • Error highlighting
    • Code navigation and refactoring tools
    • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Visualization
    • Interactive view of the transition diagram
    • Transition table
    • Tape editor
      • Keyboard based input
      • Paste from clipboard
      • Navigation shortcuts
      • Jump to leftmost and rightmost non-blank symbol
  • Simulation
    • Pause/Resume simulation
    • Simulation speed selector
    • Manual stepping
    • Execution trace inspector
    • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Analysis
    • Comment syntax
    • High-level description language
    • Basic block/Branch/Loop/Register discovery
    • Code deduplication
    • Automated analysis algorithms
  • Documentation
    • Low-level description language
    • High-level description language
    • GUI documentation
    • Shortcut reference
    • Popup-based tutorial

Low-level description language

The low-level description language is just a list of transitions, preceded by two mandatory directives defining the initial state and the blank symbol, and a variable number of directives defining accepting and rejecting states. At the moment, support for comments is planned but not implemented.

The symbol alphabet is taken to be the set of all non-whitespace characters. The blank symbol (specified in the description) is used to mark empty cells on the tape. States are represented by strings of non-whitespace characters and are created automatically as soon as they appear in the description. Transitions are required to be strictly deterministic (i.e. at present only deterministic TMs may be described and simulated); an error message is displayed when this is not the case. Accepting and rejecting states are purely cosmetic, i.e. they are marked in green and red, respectively, in the resulting diagram. The simulation may halt in any state, whenever no transition is found matching the current state and tape symbol.

The general structure of a description is as follows; three examples can be found in the next section.

blank SYMBOL

[accept STATE]
[reject STATE]


The parser is case-sensitive. The lowercase keywords init, blank, accept and reject are reserved (i.e. they cannot be used as state names). init and blank directives are mandatory and must appear only once, at the beginning, in the order shown above. accept and reject directives are optional, may appear any number of times in any order, and must appear before the list of transitions. The transition list may contain arbitrarily many rows (it may even be empty). Directives and transitions may be surrounded and interspersed by any amount of whitespace, but cannot be broken into multiple lines, and must be terminated by a newline.

The placeholders must be replaced as follows:

  • INIT_STATE, STATE, PREV_STATE, NEXT_STATE: any sequence of non-whitespace characters excluding the four keywords listed above;
  • SYMBOL, INPUT_SYMBOL, OUTPUT_SYMBOL: any non-whitespace character;
  • MOVE: either L (left), R (right) or N (no move).


Unary multiplication by 2

A machine that reads from the tape an integer in unary notation (n is represented by a list of n occurrences of the symbol 1) and writes it back doubled.

Load in the simulator

Instructions: click the link above; when the machine has been loaded, click the tape head (the cell with a large black border), type 1 as many times as you like, press the Enter key and hit the play button.

init test
blank *

test 1 * R skipOrigR
test * * R halt

skipOrigR 1 1 R skipOrigR
skipOrigR * * R skipCopyR

skipCopyR 1 1 R skipCopyR
skipCopyR * 1 R write1

write1 * 1 L skipCopyL

skipCopyL 1 1 L skipCopyL
skipCopyL * * L skipOrigL

skipOrigL 1 1 L skipOrigL
skipOrigL * * R test
Binary increment by one

A machine that reads from the tape an integer in binary notation and writes it back incremented by one.

Load in the simulator

Instructions: click the link above; when the machine has been loaded, click the tape head (the cell with a large black border), type a sequence of 1s and 0s, press the Enter key and hit the play button.

init q0
blank *

q0 * * L q1
q0 0 0 R q0
q0 1 1 R q0

q1 * 1 L q2
q1 0 1 L q2
q1 1 0 L q1

q2 * * R halt
q2 0 0 L q2
q2 1 1 L q2
Binary addition

A machine that reads from the tape two integers in binary notation, separated by a blank, and writes back their sum.

Load in the simulator

Instructions: click the link above; when the machine has been loaded, click the tape head (the cell with a large black border), type a sequence of 1s and 0s, press Space, then type again a sequence of 1s and 0s, press the Enter key and hit the play button.

init test
blank *

test 0 0 R skipO1
test 1 1 R skipO1
test * * R halt

skipO1 z z R skipO1
skipO1 o o R skipO1
skipO1 0 0 R skipO1
skipO1 1 1 R skipO1
skipO1 * * R getO2

getO2 * * L rewrite
getO2 0 0 R getO2_0
getO2 1 1 R getO2_1

getO2_0 0 0 R getO2_0
getO2_0 1 1 R getO2_1
getO2_0 * * L biteO2_0

getO2_1 0 0 R getO2_0
getO2_1 1 1 R getO2_1
getO2_1 * * L biteO2_1

biteO2_0 0 * L rskipO2_0

biteO2_1 1 * L rskipO2_1

rskipO2_0 0 0 L rskipO2_0
rskipO2_0 1 1 L rskipO2_0
rskipO2_0 * * L add_0

add_0 z z L add_0
add_0 o o L add_0
add_0 0 z R skipO1
add_0 1 o R skipO1
add_0 * z R skipO1

rskipO2_1 0 0 L rskipO2_1
rskipO2_1 1 1 L rskipO2_1
rskipO2_1 * * L add_1

add_1 z z L add_1
add_1 o o L add_1
add_1 0 o R skipO1
add_1 1 z L incr
add_1 * o R skipO1

incr 1 0 L incr
incr 0 1 R skipO1
incr * 1 R skipO1

rewrite * * L rewrite'

rewrite' z 0 L rewrite'
rewrite' o 1 L rewrite'
rewrite' 0 0 L rewrite'
rewrite' 1 1 L rewrite'
rewrite' * * R halt


The diagram viewer is based upon the vis-network library from the awesome vis.js project.

The description language parser is generated from a grammar description using peggy.

The graphical user interface is built with the UIkit 3 framework and the mustache logic-less templating engine.


Copyright (C) 2023 Fabio Massaioli

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Turing machine visualizer and analyzer







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