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A Xamarin Binding for Iris Bambuser

How to use

Projects setup

The first thing is update the HttpClientHandler to CFNetworkHandler or NSURLSession. (for more on this read here).

Then go to the build configuration page and add the mtouch flags: --gcc_flags="-DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1 -stdlib=libc++".

Adding code to Broadcast

Update Build Identifier with yours. Update your ViewController to conform to IBambuserViewDelegate. Change Info.plist to require:

  1. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
  2. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  3. NSCameraUsageDescription
  4. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription

Add the field memebers and consts:

BambuserView _bambuserView;
UIButton _startButton;
UIButton _startButton;
const string START_TITLE = "Start broadcasting";
const string STOP_TITLE = "Stop broadcasting";

In the ctor:

_bambuserView = new BambuserView(BambuserConstants.SessionPresetAuto);
_bambuserView.WeakDelegate = this;
_bambuserView.ApplicationId = "YOUr-APP-ID";
_bambuserView.BroadcastTitle = "Testing from Xamarin!";
_bambuserView.Author = "John Doe";
_bambuserView.SetOrientation(InterfaceOrientation, InterfaceOrientation);

_startButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
_startButton.SetTitle(START_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);
_startButton.AddTarget(StartButton_TouchUpInside, UIControlEvent.TouchUpInside);

In LoadView


In ViewWillLayoutSubviews

var statusBarOffset = TopLayoutGuide.Length;
_bambuserView.PreviewFrame = new CGRect(0,
                                        0 + statusBarOffset,
                                        View.Bounds.Size.Height - statusBarOffset);
_startButton.Frame = new CGRect(0, 50 + statusBarOffset, 100, 50);

And the _startButton touch handler

void StartButton_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (_startButton.Title(UIControlState.Normal) == START_TITLE)
        _startButton.SetTitle(STOP_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);
        _startButton.SetTitle(START_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);

In ViewDidUnload


Adding code to Reproduce

Update Build Identifier with yours. Update your ViewController to conform to IBambuserPlayerDelegate.

Add the field memebers and consts:

readonly string _resourceUri;
BambuserPlayer _player;
UIButton _playButton;

In the ctor:

_player = new BambuserPlayer();
_player.WeakDelegate = this;
_player.ApplicationId = "YOUR-APP-ID";
_resourceUri = "";

_playButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
_playButton.SetTitle("Play", UIControlState.Normal);
_playButton.AddTarget((sender, e) =>
    }, UIControlEvent.TouchUpInside);

In LoadView


In ViewWillLayoutSubviews

var statusBarOffset = TopLayoutGuide.Length;
_player.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0 + statusBarOffset, View.Bounds.Size.Width, View.Bounds.Size.Height - statusBarOffset);

_playButton.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(20, 20 + statusBarOffset, 100, 40);

Add some handlers to block PlayButton

public void PlaybackStarted()
    _playButton.Enabled = false;

public void PlaybackPaused()
    _playButton.Enabled = true;

public void PlaybackStopped()
    _playButton.Enabled = true;

Complete the other required methods from IBambuserPlayerDelegate.

Sample Broadcast App

It's just a silly sample app to get you started. Be sure to update the ids as required.

Sample Player App

It's just a silly sample app to get you started. Be sure to update the ids as required.


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