A Xamarin Binding for Iris Bambuser
The first thing is update the HttpClientHandler
to CFNetworkHandler
or NSURLSession
. (for more on this read here).
Then go to the build configuration page and add the mtouch flags: --gcc_flags="-DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1 -stdlib=libc++"
Update Build Identifier with yours.
Update your ViewController
to conform to IBambuserViewDelegate
Change Info.plist
to require:
Add the field memebers and consts:
BambuserView _bambuserView;
UIButton _startButton;
UIButton _startButton;
const string START_TITLE = "Start broadcasting";
const string STOP_TITLE = "Stop broadcasting";
In the ctor:
_bambuserView = new BambuserView(BambuserConstants.SessionPresetAuto);
_bambuserView.WeakDelegate = this;
_bambuserView.ApplicationId = "YOUr-APP-ID";
_bambuserView.BroadcastTitle = "Testing from Xamarin!";
_bambuserView.Author = "John Doe";
_bambuserView.SetOrientation(InterfaceOrientation, InterfaceOrientation);
_startButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
_startButton.SetTitle(START_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);
_startButton.AddTarget(StartButton_TouchUpInside, UIControlEvent.TouchUpInside);
In LoadView
In ViewWillLayoutSubviews
var statusBarOffset = TopLayoutGuide.Length;
_bambuserView.PreviewFrame = new CGRect(0,
0 + statusBarOffset,
View.Bounds.Size.Height - statusBarOffset);
_startButton.Frame = new CGRect(0, 50 + statusBarOffset, 100, 50);
And the _startButton
touch handler
void StartButton_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_startButton.Title(UIControlState.Normal) == START_TITLE)
_startButton.SetTitle(STOP_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);
_startButton.SetTitle(START_TITLE, UIControlState.Normal);
In ViewDidUnload
Update Build Identifier with yours.
Update your ViewController
to conform to IBambuserPlayerDelegate
Add the field memebers and consts:
readonly string _resourceUri;
BambuserPlayer _player;
UIButton _playButton;
In the ctor:
_player = new BambuserPlayer();
_player.WeakDelegate = this;
_player.ApplicationId = "YOUR-APP-ID";
_resourceUri = "https://cdn.bambuser.net/broadcasts/57e8b843-a6b9-451d-9f1f-621c2dcb9bcc?da_id=cbf70495-232a-c827-e5ff-681104245155&da_timestamp=1606780800000&da_nonce=0.1&da_signature_method=HMAC-SHA256&da_signature=3dacb0b640c405a35236b21a4dbb5e6a5647aa1b228b3f91699020803e000756";
_playButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
_playButton.SetTitle("Play", UIControlState.Normal);
_playButton.AddTarget((sender, e) =>
}, UIControlEvent.TouchUpInside);
In LoadView
In ViewWillLayoutSubviews
var statusBarOffset = TopLayoutGuide.Length;
_player.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0 + statusBarOffset, View.Bounds.Size.Width, View.Bounds.Size.Height - statusBarOffset);
_playButton.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(20, 20 + statusBarOffset, 100, 40);
Add some handlers to block PlayButton
public void PlaybackStarted()
_playButton.Enabled = false;
public void PlaybackPaused()
_playButton.Enabled = true;
public void PlaybackStopped()
_playButton.Enabled = true;
Complete the other required methods from IBambuserPlayerDelegate
It's just a silly sample app to get you started. Be sure to update the ids as required.
It's just a silly sample app to get you started. Be sure to update the ids as required.