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End to end typing demo app

This small application shows some of the techniques discussed in my end to end typing talk.

It shows passing props to a component in a checked-by-schema way, generating types from those same schema files, and using them in react components.

It also implements a simple api helper for fetching data from the rails app in a typesafe way

The emphasis is on showing these techniques without too much distraction, clearly this code is clearly overkill if you really just want to display a paginated list of users.


To run this locally you need ruby 3.2, node and yarn installed. Alternatively you can run this inside a devcontainer or github codespaces.


rake db:seed

to install dependencies and seed the db.

Then run bin/dev to run the rails server and the javascript file watcher. By default this will run on http://localhost:3000


You can run the typescript checks by running yarn run typescript-check.

You can regenerate the types (if you have changed the schema files) with bin/generate-types


app/controllers/users_controller.rb: Implements a simple controller for the index and show actions. the index action support html and json formats, the show action only json

app/lib/schema.rb: helper file for managing schemas

app/javascript/components/pagination.tsx: A react component that renders pagination links app/javascript/components/user.tsx: A react component that renders a detailed view of a user app/javascript/components/users.tsx: A react component that renders a list of user summaries. This is the root component on the users page. It reads the props stored in the dom that contain the initial list of users to display. You can click on the pagination links to load other pages or on on the 'show' links to see the details for a user

app/javascript/utils/api.ts: the api mapping for this application, mapping request paths to types app/javascript/utils/get_api.ts: the typesafe request function: this only allows paths defined in api.ts and returns data of the type indicated by the mapping

app/javascript/generated_types/users.ts: the types file generated from schemas/users.json

bin/generate-types: the script that generates type files from schemas

spec/support/schema_helpers.rb: a matcher for validating data against a schema file (or portion thereof) spec/support/props_helper.rb: a helper for finding an element on the page using a css selector and then reading its data attributes

spec/requests/users_spec.rb: a request spec for the users controller, showing how to use schema files to validate responses

schemas/users.json: the schema root file schemas/responses/: contains the schemas for the individual response schemas/types/: contains the schemas for UserSummary, UserDetail, Pagination that are used by the response types