Releases: fcorti/alfresco-audit-analysis-reporting
Releases · fcorti/alfresco-audit-analysis-reporting
AAAR v4.5
AAAR v4.4
- Data quality features into the tables: dm_logs, dm_data_quality.
- Added the Data Quality dashboard.
- Refactoring of the dates creation (bugfixing the old versions).
- Flag ‘CLEAN_NODES_DELETED’ turned into ‘true’ by default.
- Various bugfixes (especially on custom metadata extraction).
AAAR v4.3
- Porting on Pentaho 6.1.
- Added flag ‘CLEAN_NODES_DELETED’ in ETL to avoid removed nodes extraction (default = false).
- Improvements in terms of execution time (and stability) on huge repositories (tested in production environment with +2 Milion documents and +180.000 instances of workflows).
- Separation of Alfresco extraction and data mart import in ETL.
- Bugfix on Audit dashoboard not showing charts.
- Various bugfixes.
AAAR v4.2
AAAR v4.1
AAAR v4.0
- Transparent authentication from Alfresco to Pentaho.
- Repository extraction (significantly) improved in performance.
- AMP installation on Alfresco Repository is now ahead mandatory.
- AMP installation on Alfresco Share to develop the AAAR Dashlet is available (but not mandatory).
- Bugfixes.