Utility for upgrading the Fedora Commons repository.
General usage is as follows:
java -jar target/fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<version>.jar [cli options | help]
The following CLI options are available:
usage: java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-util-<version>.jar
-d,--digest-algorithm <arg> The digest algorithm to use in OCFL.
Default: sha512
-h,--help Print these options
-i,--input-dir <arg> The path to the directory containing
a Fedora 4.7.x or Fedora 5.x export
--migration-user <arg> The user to attribute OCFL versions
to. Default: fedoraAdmin
--migration-user-address <arg> The address of the user OCFL versions
are attributed to. Default:
-o,--output-dir <arg> The path to the directory where
upgraded resources will be written.
Default value:
output_<yyyyMMdd-HHmmss>. For
example: output_20200101-075901
-p,--threads <arg> The number of threads to use.
Default: the number of available
-r,--source-rdf <arg> The RDF language used in the Fedora
export. Default: Turtle
-R,--resource-info-file <arg> The path of the file that contains a
list of resources to be processed
-s,--source-version <arg> The version of Fedora that was the
source of the export. Valid values:
--s3-access-key <arg> The AWS access key, optionally use
when writing to S3
--s3-bucket <arg> The S3 bucket to write to, required
when writing to S3
--s3-endpoint <arg> The AWS endpoint URL, optionally use
when writing to S3
--s3-path-style-access The S3 access style, optionally use
when writing to S3
--s3-prefix <arg> The S3 prefix to locate the OCFL repo
in, optionally use when writing to S3
--s3-region <arg> The AWS region, optionally use when
writing to S3
--s3-secret-key <arg> The AWS secret key, optionally use
when writing to S3
-t,--target-version <arg> The version of Fedora to which you
are upgrading. Valid values: 5+,6+
-u,--base-uri <arg> Fedora's base URI. For example,
--write-to-s3 Enables writing migrated Fedora 6
data to S3 rather than the local
If a Fedora 6 migration is interrupted or a subset of resources fail to migrate, then a log file named
is created that contains information about the resources that were not migrated. The
migration can be resumed by passing this file back to the utility on a subsequent run. For example:
java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils.jar \
--input-dir my-5.1.1-export \
--source-version 5+ \
--target-version 6+ \
--base-uri http://localhost:8080/rest \
--resource-info-file remaining_TIMESTAMP.log
If you are migrating to Fedora 6 and you want your migrated data to live in S3, then you can configure the utility
to write directly to S3. To do so, you must at the minimum specify --write-to-s3
and --s3-bucket
. Specifying
is recommended as otherwise the migrated OCFL repository will use the entire bucket. All of the other
S3 related options can be derived from standard AWS configuration
or specified explicitly.
To build the JAR file
mvn package