Task Difficulty/Workload Status IMPORTANCE(1-4) Enable people to browse other courses Medium UNDONE 4 vote.php(handles up/downvotes) Easy UNDONE 4 start.php Medium UNDONE 4 implement user rating Easy UNDONE 3 manageaccount.php(change password, etc) Medium UNDONE 1 Read vs unread courses Medium UNDONE 4 Tell people about LaTeX Easy UNDONE 4 Improve helpfulness and date sorts Difficult UNDONE 4 Indicate replies Medium/Difficult UNDONE 4
Email registration confirmations Medium (but we need a server first) UNDONE 4 Email alerts if people replied Difficult (need server) UNDONE 2 Incorporate whiteboard into post form Difficult UNDONE 2 Dynamic reloading on content change Difficult UNDONE 4 implement privacy settings Medium UNDONE 2-3 implement follow(people and posts) Difficult UNDONE 2 implement keyword tags Easy/Medium UNDONE 3 implement keyword tag search Difficult UNDONE 3 implement people tags Difficult UNDONE 3 implement user rating Easy UNDONE 2