C#/WPF client useful to keep track of network devices, if they are online or not
Client_Ping_v1.8 - Portable Zip
Client_Ping_v1.7 - Portable Zip
Added dark mode since v1.5
This application is useful to keep track of devices in your network at work or at home. You can import or insert a list of devices, keeping track of their pings. Tha table sows the status of the ping and the last successful response received from the device. When you select a device, with the buttons below you can launch your specific application on the target device, for example an ssh/ftp/scp/... client, open the device in the browser or simply start a ping -t prompt. It becomes very handy when you have to keep track of a list of PLCs at work or check the online status of different gateways in your LAN.
The buttons below loads the icon directly from the application path inserted in the settings tab.
The following image shows an example of configuration with different applications and required parameters passed to them. You can launch your specific application passing different arguments, for example the ip address of the device or username/password for the authentication process:
You can simply add scripts to add or remove routes when you change the current profile, useful if your devices are behind a vpn or a specific gateway where you need custom routes to reach them.
The device tab shows a summary of the selected device:
Dark mode since v1.5