HighBar Owners ProdSec Training
This will be an interactive activity. This is a fake repo which includes security issues that need to be mitigated. When you discover an issue, submit a PR to correct it if you'd like. Note again that this is a faux repo, and will have issues if you try to build or run anything. The project isn't complete, so there won't be things like a Next.JS config.
Some Rules for the interactive activity:
- No ai/copilot
- Manually look for these if you don't find them all, its all good.
- Work individually and provide individual solutions, but feel free to chat with a colleague(s) if needed.
- This code will not build or compile. This is just meant to be a code review exercise.
- There are a few ways to go about submitting solutions. One option is to submit a PR with a fix for each issue you find. If you decide to do that, the format is defined in .github/pull_request_template.md. Other options for this include noting all issues locally in some fashion (google Doc, or whatever else is comfortable for you), or documenting all issies in a "New Issue" in GitHub. Open to other solutions as well, it's about what gives you the most value.
- Again, if you don't finish in time it's OK. feel free to ping me for any questions at any point.
├─ /backend
│ └─ FinancialAccountManager.java
├─ /components
│ ├─ AccountDetails.tsx
│ ├─ Loan.tsx
│ ├─ Transactions.tsx
│ └─ UserDetails.tsx
├─ /config
│ └─ config.yaml
├─ /graphql
│ ├─ dataSources.ts
│ ├─ resolvers.ts
│ └─ schema.gql
├─ /pages
│ ├─ index.tsx
│ ├─ transactions.tsx
│ ├─ unauthorized.tsx
│ ├─ /api
│ │ ├─ auth
│ │ │ └─ [...nextauth].ts
│ │ └─ graphql.ts
│ └─ /profile
│ └─ [userId].tsx
├─ /permissions
│ └─ check.ts
├─ /styles
│ ├─ components.css
│ └─ globals.css
├─ README.md
└─ package.json