Dockerfile to build a OpenLDAP container image that includes the FusionDirectory schemas.
You can launch the image using the docker command:
docker run --name ldap -p 389:389 \
-e LDAP_ORGANISATION="Example Organization" \
-e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="password" \
-e FD_ADMIN_PASSWORD="fdadminpwd" \
-d hrektts/fusiondirectory-openldap:latest
Variable | Function | default |
LDAP_ORGANISATION | Name of your Organisation | Example Inc. |
LDAP_DOMAIN | Domain of your Organisation | |
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD | Password for the LDAP Admin (cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org) | admin |
FD_ADMIN_PASSWORD | Password for the FusionDirectory Admin (fd-admin) | adminpassword |
More Environment variables and information here: osixia/docker-openldap