I am Brazilian and was born in Curitiba, Paraná. I hold a bachelor's and master's degree in Mathematics. I have always been passionate about programming, and I feel fulfilled in my current profession as a software engineer. My hobbies include:
Study programing, math or languages.
Playing footvolley
Street running
Playing PC games with friends
Watching good movies and series with my wife.
🌱 I’m currently improving my skills in back-end development specially using python frameworks as django(django rest framework), flask and FastAPI. Also I'm studying a lot about docker and devops techiques.
📫 How to reach me: You can send me an email [email protected] also you can contact me via linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/felipe-de-jesus-kutz-43623b191/
- Blog: https://github.com/felipekutz/django-blog, Made with django and docker.