This repo is the best Boilerplate Docker Configs for your projets in Node.JS
Before use this boilerplate, install these sh components:
In the file .docker/
you need to change the yarn install
to npm install
or bun install
, or anything else.
On Dockerfile
you will see on the first line the version of Node, depends on the project you will change it.
On .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
you will see the amazing configurations for your docker envirolment, with the best and amazing extensions for your work days.
Here is the list of the extensions:
- christian-kohler.path-intellisense
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- donjayamanne.githistory
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- hazer.reactcodesnippets
- johnpapa.vscode-peacock
- mikestead.dotenv
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- naumovs.color-highlight
- oderwat.indent-rainbow
- shan.code-settings-sync
- sonarsource.sonarlint-vscode
- steoates.autoimport
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-portuguese-brazilian
- wix.vscode-import-cost
- xyz.local-history
- zignd.html-css-class-completion
- eamodio.gitlens
- vivaxy.vscode-conventional-commits
- alefragnani.bookmarks
- redhat.vscode-yaml
- styled-components.vscode-styled-components
- johnpapa.vscode-peacock
- aaron-bond.better-comments
- github.github-vscode-theme
- sburg.vscode-javascript-booster
- zainchen.json
- pkief.material-icon-theme
- chakrounanas.turbo-console-log
- codeium.codeium
And of course the best config (in my opinion) is the Oh My Zsh features:
"": {},
"": {
"plugins": "git git-flow F-Sy-H zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions",
"omzPlugins": ""
"": {}