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Node.js broker lib for AMQP using amqplib.


Via npm:

npm install amqp-broker-lib

Via yarn:

yarn add amqp-broker-lib


import { Broker, Config, logger } from "amqp-broker-lib";

// Consumer function
function plusOne(msg) {
  return parseInt(msg.content.toString()) + 1;

const config: Config = {
  // connection options
  connection: {
    protocol: "amqp",
    name: "rabbitmq",
    host: "localhost",
    port: "5672"

  //   Exchanges
  exchanges: [
      name: "exchange",
      type: "direct",
      options: {}

  //   queues
  queues: [
      name: "plusOne",
      exchange: "exchange",
      key: "exchange.plusOne",
      options: {}

// Instantiate the broker service
const broker = new Broker(config);

// add Consumer to queue
broker.addConsume("plusOne", plusOne);

    .then(() => broker.publishMessage(
            msg: "1",
            exchange: "exchange",
            key: "exchange.plusOne",
            rpc: true,
            options: {}
    .then((response) => {

Broker Service


Initialize the broker instance.

const broker = new Broker(configs);


  • connection: Connection data. Contain the following datas:
    • user: User name
    • pass: Password
    • host: RabbitMQ host
    • port: RabbitMQ port
    • protocol: amqp or amqps
    • certificate: Certificate data
    • timeout: number
    • name: service name
  • exchanges: A list of exchanges data. Each data has the following attributes:
    • name: name of exchange
    • type: exchange type. options: direct, topic or fanout.
    • options: exchange options. See in amqplib docs.
  • queues: A list of queue data. Each data has the following attributes:
    • name: name of queue
    • exchange (Optional): name of exchange that queue will bind.
    • key (Optional): pattern key to queue
    • options: Queue options. See in amqplib docs.

Broker.addConsume(queue, callback)

Add a consumer to broker

broker.addConsume('queue-name', consumeFunc);


  • queue: Queue name.
  • callback: consumer function. This function will receive a ConsumeMessage like this:
        content: Buffer,
        fields: Object,
        properties: Object


Initialize the Broker service. This method returns a Promise instance.



publish a message to a exchange key pattern. Returns a Promise

let publishOptions = {
    exchange: "exchange",           // Exchange name
    key: "exchange.send-to-queue",  // Key pattern
    msg: "This is a message",       // Message to consumer. Can be a string or Object
    options: {
        replyTo: "q"
await broker.publishMessage(publishOptions);

// If have "rpc" option, wait for a response.
publishOptions.rpc = true;

const response = await broker.publishMessage(publishOptions);


Send a message directaly to a queue. Returns a Promise.

let sendOptions = {
    queue: "queue",           // queue name
    msg: "This is a message",       // Message to consumer. Can be a string or Object
    options: {
        replyTo: "q"
await broker.publishMessage(sendOptions);

// If have "rpc" option, wait for a response.
sendOptions.rpc = true;

const response = await broker.publishMessage(sendOptions);


Close the channel connection.


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