The project consists of presenting my skills with the SQL language, together with Entity and Relationship Diagram, using the MariaDB Database Management System (DBMS) together with the Dbeaver database administrator and the use of virtualization of the DBMS with Docker containers.
- Structured Query Language
- Entinty and Relationship Diagram
- Database Management System (DBMS) MariaDB
- Database Administrator Dbeaver
- Virtualization with Docker
To execute this project you will need the following tools:
- MariaDB
- Dbeaver
- Docker CLI
- Operating System based on Linux (Recommended)
Considering that you already have all the tools installed on your Linux Kernel based operating system. Open your Linux terminal and perform the following steps:
Pull the image from the latest version of MariaDB
docker pull mariadb
Run a container containing the MariaDB image
docker run --name some-mariadb -v /my/own/datadir:/var/lib/mysql:Z -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345 -d mariadb:latest
Check if the container is running
docker ps
Now check which IP address the container is being used on
docker inspect id_container | grep IPAddress
Get the IPAddress and configure it in Dbeaver to access the database, open a script file in Dbeaver and then create, query, insert and delete information with the code that was inserted in github.