Simple API to use the meteor blaze engine server side.
First import the ServerTemplate module. Then you can use its render function by passing the template as a string together with the data as parameters for this function. You can also pass helper functions as a third parameter.
import { ServerTemplate } from 'meteor/felixble:server-templates'
let renderedHtml = ServerTemplate.render(
"Hallo {{name}}, sum: {{add 3 5}}", /* Template */
{name: "felix"}, /* data object */
{add: function(val1, val2) { return val1 + val2 }} /* object with helper functions */
console.log(renderedHtml); /* Output: Hello felix, sum 8 */
Meteor provides the global function Assets.getText(path) which loads a text file from the private folder and returns its content as a string. So you can store your templates under the private folder as simple html files and load them with the Assets.getText() function.