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Experimenting with a cursed abstract table model called Entity that may have a relationship with many other Entities


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Entity to Entity

For fun project, based on the assumption "What if everything is an Entity?" while managing SQL schema with Prisma, and GraphQL with Nexus + Apollo.


Install Docker to use with docker-compose and NodeJS (which I recommend installing through nvm).

How to develop

npm i -g yarn # if you already have it, ignore this step

yarn install # to install package.json dependencies

docker-compose up -d # to run a postgre instance

yarn prisma migrate dev # it will populate your local postgre instance

Every time you change the file ./prisma/schema.prisma, you need to run yarn prisma generate && yarn prisma migrate dev

Everytime you change the graphql folder, you need to run yarn nexus.

Queries for the playground

Run the command yarn server and open localhost:4000/graphql at the browser, I prepared these queries to play with during development so you can easily copy and paste and have some fun.

mutation create {
  entityCreate(type: "", value: "") {
    id, type, value

mutation update {
  entityUpdate(type: "Garage", id: "", value: "") {
    id, type, value

mutation delete {
  entityDelete(id: "") {
    id, type, value

query list {
  entityList(first: 100) {
    nodes {

Run the front-end

Inside the folder ./frontend there's a React with NextJS project, follow these commands to run it locally:

cd ./frontend

yarn # to install dependencies from package.json

yarn dev # and open http://localhost:3000 inn the browser

Everytime you change a file it will automatically recompile and reload the browser.


Run the command yarn prisma studio and open localhost:5555 at the browser, it will give you a perspective of what is going on with the Entity data.


@rvcas: who introduced me to to a project that uses Nexus, Prisma, GraphQL and TypeScript all at once.


Experimenting with a cursed abstract table model called Entity that may have a relationship with many other Entities







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