This is an adaptive version of the module Basic.
-div(c1 nabla u) + (c2, c3) cdot nabla u + c4 u = c5
- c1 ... equation parameter, element-wise constant
- c2 ... equation parameter, element-wise constant
- c3 ... equation parameter, element-wise constant
- c4 ... equation parameter, element-wise constant
- c5 ... equation parameter, element-wise constant
Dirichlet with piecewise-constant values (u = const) Neumann with piecewise-constant normal derivatives (du/dn = const) Newton with piecewise-constant parameters (const_1 u + du/dn = const_2)
For this, install the Hermes library first - only the 2D version without tutorial, examples and benchmarks is enough. Change dir to your local Hermes repository, for example /home/pavel/repos/hermes/. Add to your CMake.vars file the lines
Remove CMakeChache.txt and rerun "cmake ."
Then, either type "sudo make install" to have the Hermes library installed system-wide (typically into /usr/local/), or add into your CMake.vars file a line:
set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/pavel/build/hermes)
to have Hermes installed into /home/pavel/build/hermes (adjust the directory name to your needs). If using the latter option, you do not need to use sudo. More details about the installation process can be found in the INSTALLATION section of the file CMake.vars.example in the Hermes repository.
Next, change dir to the directory with your module (this directory), and in the file CMake.vars set the location of the Hermes library by adding the line:
set(HERMES_ROOT /home/pavel/build/hermes)
Then type:
cmake . make
Please note that this module is dependent at the source level on module Basic. Source code of module Basic is located in the directory src/hermes_basic and should be kept up-to-date with the development of that module.
C++ sources are located in the directory src/. Change dir to the directory src/ and run the module using:
./module-basicadapt model.cfg
The file model.cfg is a text file that emulates input from a GUI. You can change the parameters there at your will.
If you have uncommented the line
in the file CMake.vars in your local Hermes repository, then you may delete the lines
import sys sys.path.append("/home/pavel/build/hermes/lib/python")
in the file Otherwise, adjust the line to point to the location of Hermes Python wrappers which must be compatible with your definition of HERMES_ROOT above.
Then run the module by typing:
The file contains a set of parameters analogous to those which on C++ level are in the file model.cfg. The user can change these parameters arbitrarily.
To be completed.