Running apps on appengine is really nice. However, you need a good skeleton to get you going fast. This is a project skeleton which includes some of the things (libs and configuration) that I pick for most projects. You can freely use this.
- Flask
- Jinja
- werkzeug
- Python 2.7
- Google AppEngine SDK
clone repository
git clone <project_name>
change to directory of <project_name>
cd <project_name>
fetch all the submodules via
git submodule update --init
set your own appengine application id in app.yaml
change the 'secret_key' in by generating a new one
add replace remote
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <new_remote like [email protected]:your_name/project_name.git>
git commit -am "initial setup"
git push origin master
Add the remote and merge in all changes and removes the old stuff again.
git remote add skeleton
git pull skeleton
git checkout -b skeleton remotes/skeleton/master
git rebase <your_development_branch like master>
git checkout <your_development_branch like master>
git merge --no-ff skeleton
git branch -D skeleton
git remote rm skeleton
git submodule update
Go to path "code" and run .
Go to path "code" and run
python <app-id>
MIT license