This repository stores the user configuration files of my Hyprland desktop. Everyone can clone and use it. However, I highly suggest you TAKE THESE CONFIGURATION FILES AS A REFERENCE ONLY because they may contain something related to my computer so they may not work well if you simply clone the whole repository into your own computer. Also, I suggest you install the packages and softwares before using my configuration files.
- Linux distribution: Arch Linux
- File system: btrfs
- Network: NetworkManager
- Display server protocol: Wayland
- Window manager: Hyprland
- Login manager: sddm (Tokyo night theme)
- Shell: zsh (oh my zsh)
- Notification daemon: dunst
- Authentication agent: polkit kde agent
- Status bar: waybar
- App launcher: rofi
- Wallpaper: hyprpaper
- Screen locker: swaylock-effects
- Input method framework: fcitx5
- Input method: rime
- Terminal emulator: kitty
- Web browser: firefox
- Text editor: neovim
- File manager: ranger
- Note taking: logseq
- Pdf reader: zathura
- Image viewer: imv
- Video player: mpv
- Office: libreoffice
- Screenshot: hyprshot
- Screen recorder: obs studio
- Chatting: telegram
- E-mail client: better bird
- Image editor: gimp
- audio editor: audacity
- Snapshot manager: timeshift
- fastfetch (faster and more functional than neofetch)
- lsd (ls with icons) -> ls
- duf -> df
- dust -> du
- zoxide (a smarter cd) -> cd
- bat -> cat
- htop -> top
- dog -> dig
Before using these configuration files, you should install a pure linux system first. Generally, any linux distribution is okay, but I recommend Arch Linux because it doesn't contain any additional packages.
If you decide to install Arch, you can use archinstall
and select the minimal preset, or manually install it with pacstrap
Installing Hyprland is quite easy. For Arch users, simply run the following command line and Hyprland will be installed.
sudo pacman -S hyprland
After installing it successfully, simply run Hyprland
in a tty and you will see the Hyprland desktop.
NOTE: If you have already installed other desktop environments (or window managers), I suppose a login manager like sddm has also been installed. In such case, you can enter Hyprland by selecting Hyprland
in sddm.
The essential softwares include sddm (a login manager), zsh, kitty (a terminal emulator), waybar (a status bar written in C), rofi (an application launcher), dunst (notification daemon), polkit kde agent (an authentication agent), pipewire (including pipewire-audio), qt5-wayland, qt6-wayland. If you lack any of them, just install it.
Then, you can copy the corresponding config folders into ~/.config/*
I use JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
in kitty and neovim and it works well. You can use other fonts, but some icons might not be rendered correctly.
If you reach this step, you are near to success, but before champagning, I suggest taking a snapshot and you can continue configuring other softwares & utilities more freely.
- Hyprland official website:
- Oh-my-zsh official website:
- Nvchad official website:
- Arch wiki: