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James Fenn edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 4 revisions

The LicenseWedge is intended to display information about libraries used by your project. Simply displaying this wedge does not guarantee that you are following all of the conditions of the project's license, but it will satisfy the conditions of many of the popular ones.

If only the repo attribute is specified, this wedge can fetch all of its necessary information from the GitHub API, however it is a good idea to include all of the information in the configuration file as well, so that it is still displayed if the user is offline or there is an issue with the API.


        description="I'm pickle riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!"
        licenseName="Apache License 2.0"
        licenseUrl="" />


Attribute Type Description
repo String (name/repository) The repository URI to fetch the license's information from.
repoUrl String (url) The URL of the repository - defaults to whatever is inferred from or provided by the repository API.
title String / String Resource The name of the project (will be generated from the repository name if not present, ex: "fennifith/ColorPickerDialog" would become "Color Picker Dialog").
description String / String Resource A description of what the project contains.
websiteUrl String A URL of the website for the project.
license String The "key" of the license the project is under. This will cause Attribouter to fetch information from the GitHub Licenses API.
licenseName String / String Resource The name of the license.
licenseBody String / String Resource The content of the license.
licenseUrl String / String Resource The URL of the license.

Auto-generated Links

The links that are automatically created by this wedge are as follows. See LinkWedge for more information.

ID Description Required Attributes
git The github repo of the project. repo or repoUrl
website The project's website. websiteUrl or repo (if the project has a website defined on their repo)
license Information about the license that the project is using. license, licenseUrl, or repo (if the repo's license is supported by the API)