Google Drive external storage support for Nextcloud (still in Beta)
- Simply install
from the Nextcloud appstore
- First, clone the repo
git clone
- Execute
make install
in the app directory - And enable the app with
php occ app:enable files_external_gdrive
in the Nextcloud directory
- Make files and directories:
- Printable
- Readable
- Downloadable
- Uploadable
- Editable
- Renamable
- With the right mimetype
- Allow regular user to create its own Google Drive external storage
- Print better stats
- Update only on changes
- Optimize
- Fix Oauth duplications
- Unit tests
- Bug fixed:
- Rename create an error NastuzziSamy#8
- Bug fixed:
- In certain php version, some functions returned errors
- Bugs fixed:
- Correct Oauth2 grant bug NastuzziSamy#4
- Storage was all time "temporarily not available" NastuzziSamy#5
- Building path did not work correctly with root
- Bug fixed:
- Add vendor directory in the nextcloud app NastuzziSamy#1
- Add installation procedure
- Improve the appinfo.xml file
- Bugs fixed:
- It was impossible to install the app from the appstore (Makefile missing..) NastuzziSamy#1
- Bugs fixed:
- Files were all time exported (and sometimes, in an incompatible format) NastuzziSamy#3
- Files were not downloaded correctly (files streams were badly requested)
- Make the app compliant
- Be warn the app is still in beta version until v1.0.0
- Add test function
- Force Nextcloud to update all directories contents
- Final Google compatibility
- Google files are automaticaly exported in the good file type
- Files and directories are now deletable
- First publication on Nextcloud appstore
- Based on the work of the Google Drive external storage support for ownCloud
- Use of Flysystem fonctionnality
- Switch Google API v2 to v3
- Google files and directories are
- Printed
- Readable
- Downloadable
- Editable
- Renamable