rush01 project for 42's Piscine.
when you enter a sudoku in this program you have to enter each line as a different argument between " ". for example: "53..7...." "6..195..." ".98....6." "8...6...3" "4..8.3..1" "7...2...6" ".6....28." "...419..5" "....8..79"
note: a valid sudoku has only one possible solution (minimum 17 clues). however, we haven't managed (yet) to make the sudoku-solver see if the sudoku you are entering is valid soduku.
- clone the repo
- run on the command line (inside the repo folder) "sh"
- run "./rush-1" followed by the incomplete sudoku
Scott Snelgrove (snelgrove) Fermín Rodríguez del Castillo (frodrigu) Rafael Leonardo (rleonard)