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An example using Ansible to set up a private Git server on a Raspberry Pi


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Ansible Git Server

An example using Ansible to set up a private Git server on a Raspberry Pi.




To have a repeatable and versionable cooking receipt for setting up servers sounds quite sexy, so even if it might be a bit of a overkill for private users, I got quite intrigued by Ansible.

Since the best way to learn something is

  1. to use it
  2. to teach1 it

I decided to take an existing work log, to turn it into an Ansible play and to document what I did.

Tools & Platform

What am I trying to achieve?

The aim is to take a fresh Raspbian installation, do some hardening, install git and have a ready to use private Git server. The details on how I did that manually you can find in said work log, the steps break down to:


If not stated otherwise all steps have to be done on your Ansible machine, not on the target.

Prepare your Raspberry Pi

  • download Raspbian Lite
  • write image on SD card
    • touch /Volumes/boot/ssh5 enable SSH by writing an empty file called ssh on the boot partition6
    • eject & insert SD card into your Raspi
    • connect your Raspberry Pi to LAN and power
  • if missing, generate ssh public key on your Ansible machine: ssh-keygen -o
  • if you are repeating the setup process delete old host keys
    • delete old host key (name): ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "raspberrypi"
    • delete old host key (IP): ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ""
  • copy ssh public key to your Pi (password raspberry): ssh-copy-id pi@raspberrypi

Install Ansible

The following steps are for Ubuntu, for details / other OSs have a look into the Ansible docs.

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install software-properties-common
  • sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
  • sudo apt install ansible
  • sudo apt install python3-argcomplete
  • sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete3

Prepare Work Environment

  • create an empty folder, e.g. ansible-gitserver, and cd into said folder
  • git clone ./
  • download required public roles ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml --role-path ./roles/ into 'working directory/roles'

Network Stuff

Recommendation: Assign a permanent IP address to your Raspi, probably done via your router. Example for a AVM FRITZ!Box:

  • open a browser, open the Web GUI of your router, address might be something like ''
  • log in with an admin account
  • Home Network -> Network (German GUI says 'Heimnetz -> Netzwerk')
  • click the 'Edit' button for the device 'raspberrypi'
  • activate the appropriate option, should be something like 'Always assign the same IPv4 address to this network device'
  • click 'OK' to save your changes
  • since the device is identified by it's MAC address, it doesn't matter that we will rename our Raspi later and it will also not matter if you insert a different SD Card with an different image into your Raspi

Getting Started

This chapter is aimed at getting you started with minimal effort. If you don't mind some reading before you go hands-on, than skip Getting Started, read Deep Dive and then go hands-on with Getting Useful.

Minimal Configuration

For a first test run it's enough to open your ansible-gitserver working directory and change the following values:

  • working_directory/group_vars/all.yml/ssh_public_keys - public SSH key of your ansible machine
  • working_directory/group_vars/szczecin.yml/location_subnet - network prefix of your LAN
  • working_directory/group_vars/gitserver.yml/ansible_host - IP address of your Raspi

Run Ansible

Having done that you could now start the setup process with the following command (default vault password is 'my_secret_password')

ansible-playbook gitserver.yml -i ./hosts --vault-id git@prompt

Ansible will now execute the playbook and you can watch while a not to short list of tasks will be finished. And voilà, you have a ready to use private Git server. Credentials are as following:

  • system account
    • name: link
    • password: my_secret_password
  • git account
    • name: git
    • password: my_secret_password

Setting up a Repository on your new Server

You might want to actually have some repos on your Git server, lets say you want my ansible-gitserver repo on your private server:

  • ssh link@git ssh into your Git server with the system account
  • cd ../git/ change into user gits homefolder
  • sudo git clone --bare ansible-gitserver.git we clone the repo with the --bare option, for details why let me point you to the relevant chapter of the free online book Pro Git
  • sudo chown -R git:git ansible-gitserver.git make the user git the owner of this repo
  • exit end your SSH connection

Now what do we have to do on our ansible machine to use our Git server as remote? Let's have a look at two different options:

  • clone a fresh copy of the repo from our private server
    • leave your ansible-gitserver working directory and navigate to where you want the new copy
    • git clone ssh://git@git/home/git/ansible-gitserver.git ansible-gitserver-private
    • done, git push and git pullcommands will use your private server as target
  • add a second remote to our existing ansible-gitserver working directory
    • git remote add private ssh://git@git/home/git/ansible-gitserver.git
    • done, git remote show will now show two remotes for this repo, origin & private
    • with git remote show origin or git remote show private you can test the connection to the remote and see details like the remotes URL

While this test run was nice to see that Ansible actually does the job, I would strongly counsel against using your new server as it is - you are still using user names & passwords chosen by me! Let's have a look at the next chapter to change that.

Getting Useful

An Ansible based setup process would not be very useful if you couldn't change my default values for stuff like user names, passwords, port numbers, etc. ... - thats where Variables come into play. To understand where to set them, we need some common terms.

Ansible Speak

I aim to keep the vocabulary lessons to a minimum, but lets have a look at two key concepts:


A list of computers managed by Ansible, sorted into groups (details see Ansible - How to build your inventory). As example a commented 'hosts' file:

# working_directory/hosts

[szczecin_gitserver]             # group
git                              # a managed computer, called host

[szczecin_raspbian]              # different group
git                              # same host

# gitserver in all locations
[gitserver:children]             # group of groups

# raspbian installations in all locations
[raspbian:children]              # different group of groups

# everything in berlin

# everything in szczecin

As you can see I have grouped my hosts by location (berlin & szczecin), by function (gitserver) and by OS (raspbian). This enables me to link them with variables based on groups, more about that in Variables.


The previous mentioned repeatable cooking receipts - on which machine(s) do you want to execute which Tasks and what are the environment parameters (details see Ansible - About Playbooks). Example: gitserver.yml

# working_directory/gitserver.yml

- name: playbook to set up a git server     # name of your play
  hosts: gitserver                          # group of machines to which to apply this play
  gather_facts: false                       # \
  debugger: on_failed                       # - optional parameters
  become: true                              # / 

  tasks:                                    # list of tasks
  - include_role: 
    name: prepare-raspberry
  - include_role: 
    name: gitserver-config


Comming back to variables - while Ansibles knows a number of options where to set them (details see Ansible - Using Variables), the basic option is to link them to machines in your Inventory. Our target is named 'git' and a member of the groups 'szczecin-gitserver', 'szczecin-raspbian', 'gitserver', 'raspbian', 'szczecin' and the special group 'all', which means the variables for all these groups (called group_vars) and the variables for our target (called host_vars) apply. And if you followed Set IP Address Variables, you actually already know where to find them:

  • group_vars: working_directory/group_vars/<group name>.yml
  • host_vars: working_directory/host_vars/<host name>.yml

For an individualized Git server I would recommend to set at least the following variables, for more options look into the variable files (for how to encrypt variables see comments for /group_vars/gitserver.yml/user_password_hash):

# working_directory/group_vars/all.yml

#default system user

# List your SSH keys here, one per line.
# working_directory/group_vars/raspbian.yml

# system user name
# working_directory/group_vars/gitserver.yml

# hostname will change during bootstrapping, provide IP address
# custom SSH port
# password for system user
# create: 
#   * create hash: ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg={{ 'my_secret_password' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
#   * encrypt hash: ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id git@prompt --stdin-name 'user_password_hash'
# use in play: ansible-playbook <playbook>.yml --vault-id git@prompt
# custom SSH port
# password for the dedicated git user
# username for git commits
# user email for git commits

Additionally my play has the option to have Ansible import repos from a backup location. For that follow the instructions in the comments and set the following variables (after initial import the private key will be deleted from the new Git server, you have to delete the public key manually from your backup machine7):

# working_directory/group_vars/gitserver.yml

# [optional] create private / public key pair: ssh-keygen -o
# make public key available on existing git machine (e.g. a backup machine)
# copy content of the private key file and encrypt it
# git repos on an existing git machine
# example:
#    - repo: ssh://link@{{ location_subnet }}.xxx/path/to/repo/ansible.git
#      dest: /home/git/repos/ansible.git
#      bare: true

Disclaimer: I ignore variable precedence in my explanations (if you set the same variable in multiple location, for example group_vars & host_vars, which value applies?), please look that up at Ansible - Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?.

Going back to Start

What? After having finally a running Git server? Yes, but don't worry, it's quite easy. Just repeat the steps of Prepare your Raspberry Pi and you are ready to go again.

And Finish

And now everything you have to do to get a brand new individualized Git server running is executing the following command (remember to enter your encryption password when asked):

ansible-playbook gitserver.yml -i ./hosts --vault-id git@prompt

Done - but this time you have your own individualized Git server :-)
That also concludes my chapters regarding setting up your own Git server - the next chapters focus more on how to work with Ansible.

Deep Dive

This chapter will look into whats actually happening when you execute your playbook, explain on a general level how Roles are structured and then take a dive into Tasks and Dependencies.

Execution Command

Lets start with the command we are executing: ansible-playbook gitserver.yml -i ./hosts --vault-id git@prompt

  • ansible-playbook gitserver.yml execute playbook 'gitserver.yml'
  • -i ./hosts use the file 'hosts' in the current directory as inventory
  • --vault-id git@prompt this play has encrypted variables, asks for the decryption password, password hint is 'git'


Instead of writing the same tasks again and again for different playbooks, you can bundle Tasks into roles (details see Ansible - Roles). But the biggest advantage of roles is that they are sharable - just have a look at Ansible Galaxy to find roles for almost all common tasks.
The default structure of roles is

my-role/        # folder name is the same as the roles name
  tasks/        # one to multiple task files       
  handlers/     # actions that react on notifications
  files/        # resources
  templates/    # Jinja2 templates
  vars/         # variables with high precedence, should normally not be overwritten
  defaults/     # default values, overwritten by values linked to your inventory
  meta/         # meta information for Ansible Galaxy     # readme explaining function and usage of the specific role

If you have a look into the roles in working_directory/roles/, you will see that not all roles have all folders. That's no trouble, if a specific role doesn't need, for example, additional resources than the role doesn't need a files folder. A prime example of that is my prepare-raspberry role - in that folder you will only find the defaults folder, the meta folder and the file.
On the other hand your role might have additional folder, for example for testing. An example of that would be my gitserver-config role with the added folder molecule (more about testing and Molecule in Testing).
If you take an existing role, e.g. from Ansible Galaxy, the way to customize role execution is by overwriting default variables in role_name/default/main.yml, for example by having the same variable name with a customized value in your group_vars. An example in this project would be user_name. You will find that variable in working_directory/roles/prepare-raspberry/defaults/main.yml, but since the variable is also set in working_directory/group_vars/gitserver.yml the default value will be overwritten by whatever you set in working_directory/group_vars/gitserver.yml (details about precedence see Ansible - Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?).
To avoid ambiguity - you don't change anything inside the roles folder. You overwrite role defaults by having the same variable_name linked to your inventory.


To understand how tasks actually work, we have a look at my role set-connection-parameters. Let's start with working_directory/roles/set-connection-parameters/ to see what this role should do:


This role will set the correct SSH port and username (default vs. custom).
This might be necessary to rerun a playbook that changed either of these.
HINT: In that case you should run gather_facts after this role or not at all to avoid a failed play.

It will:

  • check if the connection is possible with the default SSH port 22 and, if yes, set {{ ansible_port }}
  • check if the connection is possible with the custom SSH port {{ ssh_port}} and, if yes, set {{ ansible_port }}
  • check if the connection is possible with the default Raspbian user pi and, if yes, set {{ ansible_user }}
  • check if the connection is possible with the custom user {{ system_user_name}} and, if yes, set {{ ansible_user }}
  • fail if it can't determine the correct SSH port or username


So how does that translate into tasks? Let's have a look at set-connection-parameters/tasks/main.yml:

# set-connection-parameters/tasks/main.yml

# From localhost, check if we're able to reach {{ inventory_hostname }} on
# port 22
- name: Check if we're using the default SSH port
  become: false
    port: "22"
    state: "started"
    host: "{{ ansible_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}"
    connect_timeout: "5"
    timeout: "10"
  delegate_to: "localhost"
  ignore_errors: "yes"
  register: default_ssh

# If reachable, continue the following tasks with this port
- name: Set inventory ansible_port to default
    ansible_port: "22"
  when: default_ssh is defined and
        default_ssh.state is defined and
        default_ssh.state == "started"
  register: connection_default_port_set


These two tasks actually do what the first It will bullet point of the readme mentions

  • check if the connection is possible with the default SSH port 22 and, if yes, set {{ ansible_port }}

Lets go trough that line by line:

  • - name: Check if we're using the default SSH port - name of a specific task, you will see these names when an Ansible playbook is executing
    • become: false - The become keyword stands for privilege escalation, e.g. getting root privileges (details see Ansible - Understanding privilege escalation: become).
      In this case this specific task should not run with root privileges. We do this because this task is executed on our ansible machine, not on the targeted host!
    • wait_for: - A single task executes a single module, Ansibles discrete unit of code (details see Ansible - Introduction to modules). The wait_for module can be used to ping a target and to report the result.
      Lets have a look at wait_fors parameters:
      • port: "22" - ping the target on port 22
      • state: "started" - report if the targeted port responds
      • host: "{{ ansible_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}" - target to ping, the expression in curly brackets means 'Use ansible_host if variable is set, otherwise use the hostname in our inventory'
      • connect_timeout: "5" - number of seconds to wait for the connection to be established
      • timeout: "10" - number of seconds to wait before reporting an error
    • delegate_to: "localhost" - Execute this task not on the targeted host but locally on our ansible machine. Since this task should test if we can connect from our ansible machine to the targeted host that might make sense...
    • ignore_errors: "yes" - Normally Ansible would stop the whole play when running into an error. Since we want to test something and continue the play afterwards, we have to ignore errors.
    • register: default_ssh - creates a new variable default_ssh and saves the result of the executed module
  • - name: Set inventory ansible_port to default - next task
    • set_fact: - The set_fact module can be used to assign a new value to a existing variable.
      • ansible_port: 22 - The variable ansible_port informs Ansible on which port it can establish an SSH connection to the targeted host.
    • when: - only execute this task when the following conditions are fulfilled:
      • default_ssh is defined and - variable default_ssh is known and
      • default_ssh.state is defined and - has a field named 'state' and
      • default_ssh.state == "started - the value of said field is 'started'
    • register: connection_default_port_set - Create a new variable called connection_default_port_set and save if the task was executed.

With this background it should now be easy to read the next two tasks:

# set-connection-parameters/tasks/main.yml


# If unreachable on port 22, check if we're able to reach
# {{ inventory_hostname }} on {{ connection_custom_port }} provided by the configuration
# from localhost
- name: Check if we're using the custom SSH port
  become: false
    port: "{{ connection_custom_port }}"
    state: "started"
    host: "{{ ansible_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}"
    connect_timeout: "5"
    timeout: "10"
  delegate_to: "localhost"
  ignore_errors: "yes"
  register: custom_ssh
  when: default_ssh is defined and
        default_ssh.state is undefined

# If {{ connection_custom_port }} is reachable, we set it as ansible_port
- name: Set ansible_port to custom port {{ connection_custom_port }}
    ansible_port: "{{ connection_custom_port }}"
  when: custom_ssh is defined and
        custom_ssh.state is defined and
        custom_ssh.state == "started"
  register: connection_custom_port_set


Right, we're fulfilling the second It will bullet point of the readme

  • check if the connection is possible with the custom SSH port {{ ssh_port}} and, if yes, set {{ ansible_port }}

by testing the connection on our custom port. The only change is, that we only test the custom port if the test for the default port was unsuccessful:

  when: default_ssh is defined and
        default_ssh.state is undefined

As you can see Ansible tasks are actually quite readable, even without detailed coding/scripting knowledge. If you have any question how my roles or in general all roles on Ansible Galaxy work - just have a look into the roles tasks folder.


Sometimes you might not even need to write tasks for your role, sometimes it can be enough to bundle existing roles. And example of that is my prepare-raspberry role:


Bootstrap and customize a Raspbian Lite system. To achieve that this role is using a bunch of subroles.

It will:

  • rename the default user pi to user_name
  • set a new user password user_password
  • rename the home dir /home/{{ user_name_old }} to /home/{{ user_name_new }}
  • create a symlink /home/{{ user_name_old }} linking to /home/{{ user_name_new }}
  • change the hostname to host_name
  • configure locale
  • set timezone to localization_timezone
  • activate auto-updates / -upgrades
  • install and configure vim
  • set sensible defaults for the SSH server
  • write public SSH keys to user_name's authorized_keys file
  • install and configure a firewall (ufw)


Seems like this role is doing quite a lot of different stuff? Well, not quite - actually prepare-raspberry is nothing more than a wrapper for a number of different subroles, called dependencies (Ansible - Role Dependencies).
So the role prepare-raspberry is not exactly necessary, it's just a convenient way to wrap a number of common roles for a Raspberry installation into one role.
A look into the role folder shows what that means:

# working_directory/roles/


prepare-raspberry does not even have a tasks folder, all 'functionality' is contained in the dependencies section of the meta file:

# prepare-raspberry/meta/main.yml


  # List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
  # if you add dependencies to this list.
    - role: set-connection-parameters
        connection_custom_port: "{{ ssh_port }}"
        connection_custom_user: "{{ user_name }}"
    - role: provision-root
        root_key: "{{ ssh_public_keys | first }}"
    - role: rename-user
        user_name_new: "{{ user_name }}"
        user_ignore_connection_errors: true
    - role: rename-host
        host_reboot: true
    - role: arillso.localization
        localization_timezone_linux: "{{ localization_timezone }}"
    - role: weareinteractive.apt
    - role: GROG.reboot
    - role: manala.vim
    - role: weareinteractive.users
          - username: "{{ user_name }}"
            authorized_keys: "{{ ssh_public_keys }}"
    - role: ssh-server-config
    - role: weareinteractive.ufw


As you see in Going back to Start, its quite easy to reset your Raspy and to start the play from scratch. Still - if you use this project as starting point and change the play (or write your own play), it gets bothersome to rewrite your SD Card again and again and ...
Wouldn't it be much nicer to spin up a Docker Container in a defined state, test your play and reset the container as often as needed without manual steps? Say hello to Molecule.

It seems like Molecule will not be able to help you in all situations, for example

  • I did not find a easy to use Raspbian Docker Image (see also TODO), so I test against pycontribs Debian image.
  • Molecule does not use SSH to connect to the tested container, so just because you had no connection problems during Molecule tests doesn't mean that Ansible could connect without trouble in real life. Means Molecule might be suboptimal to test bootstrapping related roles.

Having said that, Molecule is almost magic when you can use it. My introduction here is a bare minimum to get started, a next step might be Jeff Geerlings post linked in Sources (his post also talks about how to integrating Molecule into automated testing).

Installing Molecule

The following steps are for Ubuntu, for details / up-to-date instructions / other OSs have a look into Molecule - Installation:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip libssl-dev
  • python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user setuptools
  • python3 -m pip install --user "molecule[lint]"
  • python3 -m pip install --user "molecule[docker]“
  • test successful installation with
    • molecule --version
  • command not found?
    • export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
    • add 'PATH=$PATH:/.local/bin' also to */.bashrc*

Prepare Role for Molecule

  • cd ~/ansible/roles go to working_directory/roles
  • add molecule to existing role
    • molecule init scenario -r my-role-name
  • init role
    • molecule init role my-role-name

Using Molecule

One role already using Molecule for testing is my role gitserver-config. Your first experience with molecule could be as easy as going to working_directory/roles/gitserver-config and running molecule test. This will run the full gauntlet from destroying old test instances, creating a new one, taking care of necessary preparations, testing, etc.
In general I prefer to use single step commands to create an instance and to test my code again and again as I progress. A few single step commands would be:

  • molecule create create docker instance
  • molecule list list running instances
  • molecule converge test code
  • molecule --debug converge debug
  • molecule login manual inspection
  • molecule destroy destroy instance

A look into the files in working_directory/roles/gitserver-config/molecule/default/ might, for example, also show you how to prepare your test using additional roles or how to overwrite Inventory variables for testing.


  • require password for sudo - probably easy, but I still have to find out how to deal with required sudo passwords in Ansible 😅
  • automate testing -> automate builds (travis?)
  • find / create a fitting Raspbian test image for Docker (seems to be non-trivial because of the underlying ARM architecture 🤔)
  • replacing more of my custom roles with public roles from Ansible Galaxy
  • publishing my surviving roles on Ansible Galaxy
    • move each role into it's own repo (necessary for publishing said role)
    • integrate them as dependencies / subrepos into this repo


1: Keep in mind, I neither consider myself an Linux-, Raspberry-, security-, Git- or Ansible-expert. So please let me know about possible improvements and, especially, think twice before you copy-paste security related stuff!
2: You can install Ansible on a variety of different Linux distributions or macOS, have a look at the docs
3: An older model shouldn't be a problem, I just had that one laying around.
4: Thats still on the TODO list for my Ansible play - see also TODO
5: Your mounting point for the SD Card might differ
6: If you use etcher either disable auto-eject before writing the image or eject and reinsert your SD Card to mount it again.
7: The idea is that, after initial cloning, your Git server should not be able to access your backup source. To create backups a backup machine should pull from your Git server, e.g. via cron job.


An example using Ansible to set up a private Git server on a Raspberry Pi








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