Complete Ansible project to set up an openHAB server on a Raspberry Pi
Work In Progress
- Project is functional
- Documentation unfinished
The aim is to take a fresh Raspbian installation, do some hardening, install git & Docker and have a ready to use private openHAB server. The steps break down to:
- Bootstrap the Pi (Role prepare-raspberry)
- rename user
- rename the default user pi to user_name
- set a new user password user_password
- rename the home dir /home/pi to /home/{{ user_name }}
- create a symlink /home/pi linking to /home/{{ user_name }}
- rename host
- change the hostname to host_name
- update
- configure locale (Role arillso.localization)
- set timezone to localization_timezone
- activate auto-updates / -upgrades (Role weareinteractive.apt)
- SSH config
- set sensible defaults for the SSH server
- write public SSH keys to user_name's authorized_keys file
- disable SSH root login
- enable SSH strict mode
- disable X11 forwarding
- disable SSH password login (role will fail if not at least one key is provided in ssh_public_keys)
- allow SSH access only to user_name
- add an SSH banner
- option to set additional SSH settings
- install and configure a firewall (ufw) (Role weareinteractive.ufw)
- rename user
- install & configure git with the option to checkout an existing openHAB config repo (Role weareinteractive.git)
- install Docker (Role geerlingguy.docker-arm)
- create an OpenHAB Docker instance (Role openhab)
- create an openHAB service account
- add user_name to the openHAB service group
- if exists: checkout the git repository with your openHAB configuration
- create missing folders & set permissions
- pull the latest openHAB image and recreate the instance if it changed
- create and configure a frontail Docker instance to provide a Web logger experience similar to openHABian
- minimize writes to the SD Card (Copied from rkoshaks post Ansible Revisited in the openHAB community)
- install Samba and create a SMB share for the openHAB config (Role bertvv.samba)
- set the SSH entry point for user_name to openhab_home
If not stated otherwise all steps have to be done on your Ansible machine, not on the target.
If you are familiar with Ansible than just skip this subchapter. Otherwise: To run Ansible Plays you need a machine running Ansible. That might be a Mac, a Linux machine or even via the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It does not have to be a physical machine, a VM is fine enough. You might want to have a look into the [Ansible docs][ansible-intro], for now it's enough if you install Ansible. (The following steps are for Ubuntu, for details / other OSs have a look into the [Ansible docs][ansible-install].
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
sudo apt install python3-argcomplete
sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete3
- find the URL for the newest Raspberry Pi OS Lite version at
- write image to SD card
- enable SSH:
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
5 - [optional] enable wifi:
vim /Volumes/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev network={ ssid="YOUR_WIFI_SSID" psk="YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK }
- eject & insert SD card into your Raspi
- power up your Raspberry Pi
- enable SSH:
- if missing, generate ssh public key on your Ansible machine:
ssh-keygen -o
- if you are repeating the setup process delete old host keys
- delete old host key (name):
ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "raspberrypi"
- delete old host key (IP):
ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ""
- delete old host key (name):
- copy ssh public key to your Pi (password raspberry):
ssh-copy-id pi@raspberrypi
- clone this repo into a location of your choice
git clone
- checkout all git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
While Ansibles knows a number of options where to set variables (details see [Ansible - Using Variables][ansible-variables]), the basic option is to link them to machines in your Inventory (file hosts). Our target is named 'openhab' and a member of the groups 'openhab-server', 'raspbian' and the special group 'all', which means the variables for all these groups (called group_vars) and the variables for our target (called host_vars) apply.
# group_vars file for all
# default system user
ansible_user: "{{ user_name }}"
# List your SSH keys here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]',
# if you add dependencies to this list.
# ssh_public_keys:
# - ssh-rsa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx link@my-machine
# Note: The first of these keys needs to be one that Ansible is using. You get your public SSH key
# by running `cat ~/.ssh/`.
ssh_public_keys: []
# String to present when connecting to host over ssh
ssh_banner: "Welcome to {{ user_name }}'s {{ host_name }} server\n"
# group_vars file for raspbian
# The system timezone
localization_timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
# upgrade system: safe | full | dist | no
apt_upgrade: full
# Do “apt-get upgrade –download-only” every n-days (0=disable)
apt_download_upgradeable_packages: 1
# Do “apt-get autoclean” every n-days (0=disable)
apt_auto_clean_interval: 1
# Split the upgrade into the smallest possible chunks so that
# they can be interrupted with SIGUSR1. This makes the upgrade
# a bit slower but it has the benefit that shutdown while a upgrade
# is running is possible (with a small delay)
apt_unattended_upgrades_minimal_steps: yes
# Send email to this address for problems or packages upgrades
# If empty or unset then no email is sent, make sure that you
# have a working mail setup on your system. A package that provides
# 'mailx' must be installed. E.g. "[email protected]"
apt_mails: []
# Automatically reboot *WITHOUT CONFIRMATION*
# if the file /var/run/reboot-required is found after the upgrade
apt_unattended_upgrades_automatic_reboot: yes
# If automatic reboot is enabled and needed, reboot at the specific
# time instead of immediately
# Values: now | 02:00 | ...
apt_unattended_upgrades_automatic_reboot_time: 04:00
# Basic sshd config will be done, use this to set additional values
- var_name: "MaxAuthTries"
value: "3"
- var_name: "PubkeyAuthentication"
value: "yes"
- var_name: "AuthorizedKeysFile"
value: ".ssh/authorized_keys"
- var_name: "IgnoreUserKnownHosts"
value: "yes"
- var_name: "IgnoreRhosts"
value: "yes"
- var_name: "AllowAgentForwarding"
value: "no"
- var_name: "AllowTcpForwarding"
value: "no"
- var_name: "GatewayPorts"
value: "no"
- var_name: "PermitTTY"
value: "yes"
- var_name: "Protocol"
value: "2"
# UFW rules should always allow SSH to keep Ansible functioning
- { rule: "allow", port: "{{ ssh_port }}", proto: "tcp", comment: 'SSH' }
# group_vars file for openhab
ansible_host: ""
ansible_port: "{{ ssh_port }}"
# main part of the config is in group_vars/raspbian
# system user name
user_name: "link"
# password for system user
# create:
# * create hash: ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg={{ 'my_secret_password' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
# * encrypt hash: ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id openhab@prompt --stdin-name 'user_password_hash'
# use in play: ansible-playbook <playbook>.yml --vault-id openhab@prompt
# default: my_secret_password
# grant SSH access only for
- "{{ user_name }}"
# Sets the ssh port
ssh_port: 22
# private key to clone from gitserver will be deploy by w.users to /home/{{ user_name }}/.ssh/id_rsa
# * create private / public key pair: `ssh-keygen -o -C "link@openhab"`
# * copy public key to git server /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
# * copy the private key file to ansible machine `scp -C -P 22 link@openhab:/home/link/.ssh/id_rsa ./id_rsa.original`
# * encrypt content with `cat id_rsa.original | ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id openhab@prompt --stdin-name 'ssh_private_key'`
# additional firewall rules - careful, overwrites existing rules
- { rule: "allow", port: "{{ ssh_port }}", proto: "tcp", comment: 'SSH' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "8080", proto: "tcp", comment: 'openHAB HTTP' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "8443", proto: "tcp", comment: 'openHAB HTTPS' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "5007", proto: "tcp", comment: 'openHAB LSP' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "9125", proto: "tcp", comment: 'openHAB Homematic XML-RPC' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "9126", proto: "tcp", comment: 'openHAB Homematic BIN-RPC' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "9001", proto: "tcp", comment: 'frontail' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "9124", proto: "tcp", comment: 'homekit' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "445", proto: "tcp", comment: 'SMB' }
- { rule: "allow", port: "445", proto: "udp", comment: 'SMB' }
# username for git commits
git_commit_user_name: link
# user email for git commits
git_commit_user_email: [email protected]
- python3-setuptools
- python3-dev
pip_package: python3-pip
docker_pip_executable: pip3
- "{{ user_name }}"
openhab_version: latest
openhab_hostname: openhab
openhab_home: /opt/docker
- accept_hostkey: yes
dest: "{{ openhab_home }}/openhab"
key_file: "/home/{{ user_name }}/.ssh/id_rsa"
frontail_version: latest
frontail_hostname: frontail
frontail_openhab_home: "{{ openhab_home }}/openhab"
# max. SMB2 for macOS compatibility
samba_server_min_protocol: SMB2
samba_apple_extensions: yes
# no for for macOS compatibility
samba_mitigate_cve_2017_7494: no
samba_server_string: "Welcome to the {{ host_name }} file share"
- name: openhab
password: openhab
- name: openhab
comment: "file access to docker root directory"
valid_users: openhab
write_list: openhab
group: openhab
browseable: 'yes'
path: "{{ openhab_home }}"
owner: openhab
group: openhab