License AGPLV3 or higher
Create a diff between two versions of a primivite (node, way or relation).
- PHP 5.X
PEAR packages needed :
- HTTP/Request2 ;
- Net/URL ;
- Log ;
- PEAR/Exception.
Call diff.openstreetmap with URLs like this : <hostname>/diff.openstreetmap/diff/<primitive>/<id>/[from]/[to],
where :
- [primitive] : the type of primitive (node, way or relation) ;
- [id] : the id of the object to be displayed ;
- [from] (optional) : the start version for diff. Must be smaller than [to]. If not specified, its default value is 1 ;
- [to] (optional) : the end version for diff. Must be greater than [from]. If not specified, its default value is the current version of the object.