This won't do you much good if you don't have the data, but this is my attempt to turn Ficly into a static export. I ended up building a Rails app and then writing a bunch of rake tasks and and after_action filter to just dump out all the files as cleanly as possible.
It took too long, but it works.
- Ruby 2.6.3
- MySQL or MariaDB
- The default database.yml is localhost, and root w/out a password.
- The database name is
The sql file to import is in db/ficly_export.sql.gz. You'll need to do something like:
gunzip ficly_export.sql.gz
mysql < ficly_export.sql
- You'll need to install Ruby 2.6.5 however you want to make that happen.
- Install the bundler gem:
gem install bundler
And there you go!
- Could be better looking, especially on mobile. You're welcome to help with that and submit a pull request!
- Speed up the export process. You're also welcome to help with that. To look at the monster as it is, check out lib/tasks/export.rake.