Karel The Robot is a simple teaching environment for imperative programming basics. The original idea was developed in the 1970s by Richard Pattis at Stanford University.
I am in the process of recording a lecture series on Karel The Robot.
Click this download link. If for some reason this doesn't work, click karel.jar
in the list above, then Raw
or View Raw
Karel The Robot requires Java 7 or newer to run. Make sure you have Java installed!
On most operating systems, you can simply run a jar by double-clicking on it.
If double-clicking does not start the system, open a terminal inside the download folder and write:
java -jar karel.jar
The code is automatically saved to a new file each time you click the start button. The save folder is named karel
, and it is located in your home directory. The full path is displayed in the title bar.
F1 moveForward();
F2 turnLeft();
F3 turnAround();
F4 turnRight();
F5 pickBeeper();
F6 dropBeeper();
F7 onBeeper()
F8 beeperAhead()
F9 leftIsClear()
F10 frontIsClear()
F11 rightIsClear()
F12 start / step into / reset
Tab auto-indent
Ctrl Space auto-complete
Ctrl D delete line
Ctrl C copy
Ctrl X cut
Ctrl V paste
Ctrl Z undo
Ctrl Y redo